From one Bassist to another.....


C-C-Cool Beans!!!
Hello Steve!

I just wanted to say "THANX!!!" for contributing to some of the most amazing and original bass lines in metal.
...what else can I just plain kick my ass! :rock:

Also, I was told you attended ProgPower 2.0? I thought I saw you there.....if so....what did ya think of Spiral Arcitect?
are you going to make it to 3.0?

Hope all is going well for ya!

From one Progressive Metal geek to another.....

Man, Spiral Architect was so killer that night. I know they were having monitor problems, but to me, for the first time seeing them live. It was such a treat. They were over 50% the reason I flew all the way out there to attend the show.
Other bands I liked that weekend were Superior, Symphony X and Evergrey was allright. I was pissed Vaden Plas backed out.

I don't know about attneding 3.0... Where is it and who's playing anyway?
It's in Atlanta again....same venue too!
I think it's going to be in October sometime
Glenn is supposed to announce the line-up and when the exact dates are within the next three weeks.
tickets will be a bit more pricey seeing how he lost money last time. :bah:

Me and our guitarist went Spacificly for Spiral Arcitect and Symphony X....and to invest in some CD's and push our own.
personally...Angel Dust made me a fan after their show. They ruled my ass after that set. :eek:

and you think YOU were pissed about Vanden Plas? My Girlfriend sent them AND their managment hate mail three days straight just before the festival. Of course she's over it now :rolleyes:
especially now that the new album is out...Vanden Plas and her have made friends again. she's a red hed, go figure! :hotjump:

it's anyones guess who is playing this year..rumor has it that Bind Guardian is one of the headliners. thats as much as I know.

I hope you can make it! It'll be a blast!

going back out into the Olympic traffic....:muahaha:
reporting live from Salt Lake City
OOPS! sorry steve, and anyone else who read this post , I forgot to mention that there is a forum on this site that is for the ProgPower 3.0 festival comming up. :p

If you have any questions or comments, scroll down and jump over to that forum! Glenn is going to be announcing this years line up at the end of the month!!!
