I know its been a while (I forgot!) but heres the next one, known to some as the 'white' one, others as the album that really did it as opposed to Wos. Myself I must have got through three vinyl versions (one of them the gatefold cover) of this before getting the expanded double album with Wos. What I remember most about this, and this is without the album in front of me or playing is Taking your chances and Sixth form girls, dont know why but they just stand out from the rest in my opinion. A lot will probably start on about hungry years or Strong arm, which even though good tracks, in my opinion dont stand up as well as some of the album cuts. A mixed album imho but with some definite gems all the same.
Always remember our kid coming to see me years ago in the eighties in his old TR7 with Sixth form girls blaring out, you could hear it three streets away, ample time to get the kettle on ready apparently!