Album opinions, from the start...Crusader


Sep 9, 2002
Macclesfield, UK

Here we go, this will either be the one that it started to go wrong or it will be revered as a classic. In my opinion it was the start of a downward spiral hinted at in P+G, and ill go against the grain here too, I always hated the title tune, still do, it makes me cringe with embarresment whenever I hear it, best track on this would have to be Run for your lives, and I even got the registrar at my last wedding (No2) to play Do it all for you after we were married (divorced now btw!!!!)

Memorable story with this album is seeing the picture disc album in Brum for £5 then coming back home and seeing the gatefold version for £5 (which I bought) and always regretting not purchasing the pic disc.

So come on, lets have some thoughts, memories and criticisms!(?):OMG:
I loved Power and the Glory so couldnt wait for this release. Album cover was so cool i rememeber buying it before going to work and spending my 15 minute break reading the lyrics and getting pumped to play it. Crusader overall is a good record in my opinion A little bit of what you fancy rocks and at this time was the first time i heard set me free. Bad boys was another cool track as well as run for your lives and Just let me Rock. Sailing to America as i remmber was the first single and i gotta say i wouldnt have released that but it wasnt a bad tune overall. As for Crusader i have never been a fan and its probally my least favorite on the record although the prelude is pretty cool. The Innocence and Rock the Nations records I actually enjoyed and even more so then Crusader but lost interest after those records. To me after Denim and Leather,Power and the GLory and strong Arm of the Law Crusader does appear to go in a more commercial direction...but i would still consider it part of the classic Saxon period... Kicking myself for years i had tickets on that tour and blew it off to watch the super bowl!!! Wish i had that one back
Ok Macc 189, thx for this topic mate!

..despite all critisism about bad recording/production (guitar sound that is on some tracks bad and not fine tuned and overtuned, ok I agree.., I wished that it should have got the recording quality of Unleash...killing ground, dogs of War and Lionheart, but we cant turn back the thicking clock)


The first Saxon album with a nice intro...The Crusader Prelude.

The Crusader song is to me a fantastic song... When this album was released I was 16-17 years old..young.. evrybody did like that solo on this number in my classroom, really evryone in my class who was into rock, said to me ..that solo is fantastic tell me more about Saxon, give us some cassette tapes...even the people who had their reservations about Saxon had to admit that Saxon had quality.

A little bit of what you fancy (What is the translation/meaning of that..Nightwar? help me..please:) ) Very nice intro good middle part just a good song

Sailing to America is a song thats not heavy .. I admit that I skipped this song quite every time I had to stand up..walking to my pick-up and give the neadle a little smash... yeah no CD player at that time, haha! After a few years I got to know the history of the song during my history lessons, the pelgrims fathers going to America etc.. a few weeks ago I listened to the crusader CD and I must say that I like it nowadys better then during the vynil-time, some parts I just can appreciate more then on the year 1984. Maybe a good song for a re-recording? It a number that had to grow on me. It has also got to do something with those chorus-stuff on it ..just something new in the Saxon Style..but doesnt bother me, its functional to me, solo is nice on it..but the guitar recording is overtuned, pitty.. Part 4 min 32-4 min43 is a favourite part on this number

Set me free-song a cover, know it from a band called Heathen (?) Nice song, but the guitar sound sometimes so weird-overtuned recorded..

A favourite of mine is the song "Just let me Rock" The lyric is fantastic every thing in thhis lyric I experienced in my own life + the fantastic solo thats gets to my soul me one of the best songs on this album

Same with Bad Boys like to Rock and Roll, good song !!! part 2min 09 sec 2 min 18sec (after the head solo) reminds me of Judas Priest style , you just dont expect that continuation after that solo, I have that a lot wit songs from Judas Priest .. For example in the Judas Priest song : reminds me of the "We came here to rock-song on the Rock the Nations Album.

Do it all for you.. in fact a good song, but I dont buy a Saxon record for such numbers... lyric is good, solo too, but I dont play it more then once in 3 years

Rock city...commercial song, but I like it.. nothing wrong with it, nice guitar solo, the recording of the guitars is much better then on a lot of other tracks on this album

Run for your lives , play it a few times in a half year.. like that part 10 sec-17sec of the guitar ( That is Graham? I think..anybody knows? please tel me..) gives me always a particular feeling of emotions, makes it dangerous! The same with 56 sec til 1 min 01 sec, just chicken skin...fantastic+ fantastic solo, is this Paul ? That "ayee ayoo" is not my cup of tea, but people from Italy seem to like it, so I can forgive..:D

so despite al critisism, I see this album as an sort of experimental search for a new path, more american orientation? I dont see this album musically as a step back in progression or that its worse then the previous once, the only thing that should have been better is the recording/production..the overtune of the guitarsound.. I give it a figure : 7

OH yeah forgot..the fantastic oil-painting of that Crusaders fighting the pagens from out of the east..did watch it a lot during the listening of the songs..brought me back in those days
Just a quick correction Heavyceli, Set me free was originally done by a band called 'The Sweet', better known for songs such as Ballroom Blitz etc.

Good breakdown of the songs tho mate, forgot all about Rock City, if only they had beefed the damn guitar up on that track how good would that have been??
macc189 said:
Just a quick correction Heavyceli, Set me free was originally done by a band called 'The Sweet', better known for songs such as Ballroom Blitz etc.

Good breakdown of the songs tho mate, forgot all about Rock City, if only they had beefed the damn guitar up on that track how good would that have been??

thanx Macc 189.. I knew it was a cover.... I just remember the song from a band Heathen (heard it on radio), that covered it too. I didnt know it were the Sweet, now i know it. thanx for the info:Spin:
Power And The Glory started off the American direction, and the Crusader album brought it in big time. I actually really liked the album at the time, but when I listened to it a year or so ago (after not hearing it for a long time), I thought it was quite a poor album. It is way too commercial, and way too American. Theres nothing wrong with that I suppose, but it just isn't Saxon. I suppose Saxon gambled on breaking America. But they didn't, and they lost a lot of fans in this current as a result. How much of the new direction was Saxon, and how much was down to the record company I suppose we will never know.

I have got to disagree with Macc on the song Crusader though. I thought it was great at the time and still do.

The other thing to mention about this album is the album cover. To me, this is by far the best album cover, not only by Saxon, but by any band. The art work is fantastic, and the gatefold sleeve with all the lyrics is superb. You just don't get this with CD's. It was good to see Saxon recreate this sort of quality when they released the Chronicles dvd.
Although i have nothing at all against this album, its not one i play often and only in the last year or so have i really begun to especially like the title track...It has a couple of good songs in: 'Just let me rock' , 'do it all for you' etc. but its not a favourite or anywhere near, its maybe that this album came to me quite late (after IINE and Destiny)

Paxo is right though, the artwork is superb! a masterpiece, awesome on LP
Crusader, without a doubt is my favourite Saxon track. The solo never fails to send a shiver down my spine, the whole thing just puts a great big grin on my face. All in all, this track IS a classic.
The album however, isn't particularly outstanding. It's OK, but not quite as good as TP&TG.
Mind you, the title track sets such a high standard, it's one hell of a thing to follow.

Did it mark the start of a decline?
Not really,in my opinion, more of a blip. Perhaps the band had an eye on more commercial acceptance, in particular the US market. I think they stopped being "the Barnsley tea-drinkers" and became more of an internationally known band around then. (I know that they were already doing world tours etc, but I mean in terms of commercial acceptance!) And why not? Around then Def Leppard (weren't they another tea-drinking band from oop North?) were making mega-bucks in the USA, I guess Saxon just tried to make some of their own material a little more radio-friendly. Once they stopped trying to make soft-rock hits and got back to ballsy Heavy Rock (Solid Ball-sy, if you will) things started to sound better.

Crusader certainly has the best artwork of all the Saxon LP's, possibly of any LP. (Apart from, maybe, "Lovedrive", he he). I have a large poster of it, bought at a gig on the Crusader tour, and because I was reeeeally careful with it, it is still in tip-top condition. It looks fantastic!!!
Badlad said:
Crusader, without a doubt is my favourite Saxon track. The solo never fails to send a shiver down my spine, the whole thing just puts a great big grin on my face. All in all, this track IS a classic.
it amazes me how people hear music so differant. We are all Saxon fans but while most fans love the song Crusader, It just doesnt do anything for me. Same with Eagle has Landed, a very popular Saxon strong and IMO the weakest one on the album P&TG. Its Pretty cool how each song effects people so differantlly

I too was a big fan of Power and the Glory, and was a bit let down by this album. I did like the title track and a few others. Overall though, I thought, "well, hmmm, this is not quite up to par..." and I was pretty young, so it kinda took a lot for me to admit that I didn't like something from one of my favorite bands. I mean, I was more prone to just say they were experimenting, but this album worried me for sure. I thought Sailing to America was good the way, and some others. Just, the cover did NOT accurately depict what waited inside sonically......Not bad, but not great. Mostly, it paled in comparison to Power and the Glory, and so didn't have a great chance with me straight off. I hadn't bought all the older stuff yet (though some), and so I just satisfied my Saxon yen by going out and getting those.....
The production on the crusader album as a few people have pointed out is could have been tons better exp on the guitars which dont cut through for me like they should do. My fav track of the album has to be sailing to america i still listen to it loads now and if i had to make a saxon compilation album that track would end up on it. I wouldent say its saxons worst record at all, id give that to Rock the nations. Its one of them albums id love saxon to go back into the studio and re record all of it with say Lionheart production then maybe people would have a different view on the album, i dont no, but i think i would like it a lot more. There are some goods songs on the crusader album.

I wonder if saxon went through all there studio albums theyve ever done. They might say god that was a great album but the production was shite, id love to go back into the studio and re do them. But at the end of it id rather saxon give me a brand new studio album any day of the week.

Crusader album on there songs alone id give it a 7 or 8 out of ten
My Favourites on Crusader -
It's good to finally see 'Sailing To America' receive the credit it deserves. Like HeaviCelli, I used to skip this track, but then it suddenly dawned on me that it was a fine piece of music. It isn't exactly a typical Saxon track and I think that is why it stumbles people. It is more in the style of late seventies Rush (which is cool!), and I think Nigel G was doing his best Neil Peart impression when he played on it. A really great song that proves Saxon are more diverse than their reputation.
'A Little Bit Of What You Fancy' - a good fun song that always reminds me of Bonn Scott. HeavyCelli - The title means, I suppose, taking or doing what you like with no fear of the consequences. It kind of means, just live life to the full. I think!
'Crusader' I can't really say any more than what I've previously said about this song. 'Crusader' is a bloody classic, and that solo does send a shiver down my spine. It never ceases to cheer me up!
'Run For Your Lives' again, this is not a typical Saxon song, but I love it. It would be great to hear it played live. Lovely riff. Nice and simple tune, yet with intricate fills from the drums. A very underated track. Also, I think it is, by far, the one song that suits the sound of the album and has not dated in its production.
nightwar said:
'A Little Bit Of What You Fancy' - The title means, I suppose, taking or doing what you like with no fear of the consequences. It kind of means, just live life to the full. I think!production.

thanx Nightwar :)