Frost - Cursed Again

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
Cursed Again
Rage of Achilles – 2002
By Nathan Pearce

The name Frost might be familiar to black metal fans; however, this incarnation of the band has arrived just in time to spread the filth of black metal’s past to the unsuspecting youth of today. Frost contains well known members of the black metal community: Irrumator – all instruments and backing vocals, The Fog – lead vocals, and The Shid – additional vocals.

While Irrumator has become (in)famous for his necro-as-hell band Anaal Nathrakh, Frost takes a slightly different approach to creating a pitch black atmosphere. Imagine the trippy rhythms and grooves of Mercyful Fate injected into the festering wounds of early Mayhem, Immortal, and Satyricon and you will begin to realize the filth this band can create. Old school black metal atmosphere and musical sensibilities combined with modern production and Irrumator’s unmistakable sense of all things necro.

While many will simply see this as another of Irrumator’s adventures in uncompromising darkness, the point of this band is much more far reaching than simply “to be necro”. Frost contains ample amounts of speed, groove, and even blackened melody. At times it is easy to think you are hearing a more polished version of Mayhem’s ‘De Mysterii’s Dom Sathanas’ or maybe Immortal’s ‘Pure Holocaust’. Darkthrone could also be seen kicking back to the harrowing darkness known as ‘Cursed Again’.

If you enjoy black metal of the past and would like to see a modern injection of crisp production, you’ve found your band. However, I repeat, ‘Cursed Again’ is more than old-school-black-metal worship. It is a chance for everybody to once again feel good about feeling FILTHY!!!
