Frustrated and feeling shit ass donkey kong. Help me out if ya can..

Sep 20, 2009
Helsinki Finland

I've been struggling a LOT with my mixes lately, i just don't feel that they give me anything that i'd want actually, the mix is "okay" but i feel that there's everything "wrong" and that i am doing this the way that it makes my mixes always end up on a dead end. It would be just awesome to sit with someone godlike and just discuss about techniques and shit but what are you gonna do.

Anyway, here's some shit that i've been playing around, crappy fuckass riffing but see if you have ANYTHING on your mind about this o_O
big thanks!

Tried to make the bass a bit more upfront.

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it sounds pretty good dude.

don't mix for hours and hours because everything will sound shit to you.
every like half an hour take a break and then listen with fresh ears.
Thanks man i know that it's "pretty ok" but it really doesnt do the trick to me, i just can't feel it to get any better. Im just twiddling with the knobs and EQ curves, sound structure stays the same and but the color varies. Maby im just at the point where i should just really find our some great info but as for that, no luck.
I usually like my mixes after 1-2 weeks.

And remember "garbage in --> garbage out".
If you don't like the guitar sound the problem Isn't on the mix.
I like it quite much thought.
better I think, still something isn't quite there, but I can't put my finger on it...maybe need to sleep a bit and give it another shot with fresh ears!

But for me there's always something about your mixes I really like man! Kick and snare sound übercool on this, so did guitartones too (this one not that much, but its not bad at all, I just think I heared better from you).
To me it feels like you know how to make certain things sound really cool, but maybe you need to work a bit on the balance side of doesnt always feel "round" to me, even if it does sound very cool...
do you get me? Not sure if I understand myself, its allready pretty late :lol: