I have just learned to accept it at this point. I guess the upside is, she lets me buy anything I want. Just as long as its only one of them at a time.
I have just learned to accept it at this point. I guess the upside is, she lets me buy anything I want. Just as long as its only one of them at a time.

I'm just about to get married this year and reading stuff like "she lets me" honestly makes me want to punch myself in the face with a rusty brick.
My fiance is only 1/4 Irish and no Italian as far as I know so I don't think I have to worry about that sorta thing because she spoils me rotten as it is.

I got a kick out of this golden google find

Wife Wont Let Me
Before you're married: do whatever you want!
After you're married: do whatever you want.... if she says its ok!

HAHA We were the same way before we got married, but joint checking accounts change people. :lol:

If I buy her a new COACH™ purse, I get new gear or vice versa. Its kinda like blackmail/tradeoff.
I have a friend who will most definitely be interested in this. I'm trying to get ahold of him but no luck. We'll see.
It's easy too avoid these situations

Don't buy more than you can spend.

That also means don't put it on a credit card and go "Oh, I can pay that off anytime within the next six months to a year!"

Or find a girl who's just as equally obsessed with music and guitars as you are.

It's whats worked for me :headbang:

I'd say if you find one who's obsessed with decent music alone you should hang on for dear life. Words of wisdom I should have followed myself but alas I was half brain-dead in high school. life goes on :headbang: unless you get married...:Spin: