FS: Boss Hm-2 and some pickups


Nov 9, 2010
Oslo, Norway

I've decided to sell away some stuff since I'm in a quite unlucky financial situation. At least I feel better if a fellow sneapster gets it.

What I have to sell is the good ol' Hm-2 that I imported from Japan about a year ago. It's almost unused since I got it, and since I can't get a sound I like from it and I'm not a member of Entombed, it got to go. It's a Japan produced pedal from 1984 and in working condition.

The pickups are two sets of pickups.
A gibson 500T/496r set that came stock with my explorer, some really solid pickups that sound really nice for metal.

The other is a boutique set I got, they are from a small american company called Guitarforce (that's on hold for personal reasons). I really don't want to sell them, since they sound really nice, but I can't justify having them laying around unused.
The set consists of a Superstar bridge with an alnico 8 magnet. Quite high output, and really tight. The pickup feels great too, but it wasn't the sound I was after (got replaced by a 81), but it's a really nice pickup if you're into passives.
The neck is a hotwound Vintage 57, that is a PAF clone that he made a bit hotter to match the bridge. The cleans on that thing are amazing, and it's a really fat sounding pickup.

Bring some offers to the table and I'm sure we'll agree on something.
I'm located in Norway.