FS: Boss ME-50


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Hey guys,

I'm selling my long-time ME-50 effects pedal board. This is a great unit if you want to call up an array of effects in the blink of an eye, without being overwhelmed by menus and a huge learning curve.

I've had it for a fair few years, but I've never gigged it, and it's only seen about 3 rehearsals. The rest of the time it's spent in my bedroom.

Here is a pic:


The only cosmetic blemish I can find is a slight scratch above the COSM logo, which you can faintly see on the pic. Other than that, the unit works fine and is in fantastic condition.

Asking price is $300 AUD (currently ~$252 USD). If international shipping adds up to a bit, I'm happy to cut a little off.

Note: These have JUST been discontinued, so they will not be available on the market in a very short period of time.

Haha havent seen one of these in a while Ermz. These are excellent little things. I still have a gt6 somewhere, I should probably part with it in all honesty, but it holds a lot of memories for me as my first piece of really pro sounding gear.
We used that one straight to FOH for a season or two. A good little machine that's for sure. As always, the characteristics of the Boss/Roland gear is very "HI-FI" sounding. In a good way. I recommend it. ;)
Cheers for the props, guys.

All the more reason for someone to pick this unit up! I had a great time with it, but it doesn't really have much to do with my recording job anymore, so it's gotta go.
i had to work two months to get the money for this but it is worth every cent...
...recorded my first cd using it, a lot of cool memories come up right now.

ME-50 FTW!:headbang:
We used that one straight to FOH for a season or two. A good little machine that's for sure. As always, the characteristics of the Boss/Roland gear is very "HI-FI" sounding. In a good way. I recommend it. ;)

My girlfriend (and guitarist) has this, it's great and she pretty much only uses three fx for the band (distorsion, clean and solo) so it's perfect for live uses, will have it's first live experience in three weeks btw. But I've never used it straight to FOH, I tried plugging it straight into a mixer for headphone rehearsing and it sounded like crap without an amp. did it always sound good to you when straight into a mixer?
Thing i dont like about the Me-50 is that it has distortion and fx. but only an input and 2 outputs. When I use an amp. Fx like delay need to go through the fx. loop and distortion and wah need to go before the amp...