FS: EMG 81 (UK


recently put an 85 in the bridge position so have no use for this 81,
no wiring included unfortunatly, as its all inside my guitar, but it will drop straight into a guitar with that quick-connect wiring already in place.

full working order, only ever housed in one guitar, and its about 6 months old.

shipping from Aberdeen, Scotland,

£55 shipped in the UK,
international shipping paid for by the buyer.

Paypal accepted.

Could be relevant to my interests in a week, if it's still here. Plus, I'm in Scotland!

Don't worry if you get it sold, just registering my interest
I'd be interested but I'd need the pots/wiring etc because it's a passive I want to replace. I'm in Ireland BTW
I'll put it on hold until for you for a week.
Im not in a major hurry.

also, will consider trades, especially for a suitable EMG neck pickup. :)

Why don't you try the 81 on the neck?

I have 85 on the bridge and 81 on the neck and i love it:rock:

im looking for something bluesy/jazzy for the neck pickup, specifically for clean tones.
is the 81 any good for that?

The way you put it...no. I was talking about some great tones for metal soloing.

If you are looking for cleans/jazz/blues , the 60 is the way to go.