FS: (EU) Adam S3-A, Neumann KM184s, Digi002, Lexicon MPX-1, JoeMeek SC2.2, Digimax D8

eddy, can you bypass the pres on the digimax?

If you mean using it only as an A/D, no it's not possible.
It has 8 preamp channels and 2 of them have can be mic or DIs preamps.

This is an excellent inexpensive way to add channels to any set up that can accept ADAT.
I used it with the Digi002 to have 12 mic preamp channels to record pre productions in my garage :lol: (don't do it anymore) or at bands rehearsal.

If I didn't have the Audient 8ch preamp I would keep this one to record Drums trigger signals.

Eddy how do the digimax preamps compared to the focusrite octopres?
I wanted to buy a octopre but when you say the digimax is in the same league, I´ll hit you for it:)

When I bought the Digimax 8, I was considering the Focusrite too.
Since I can't try gear in this country I had to go by others opinion, and by that way the Presonus Digimax 8 was generally preferred by who tried both.
thanks Eddy. This weekend I have the next small project and if the band pays fast I´ll let you know and buy it:)
ps: You are using an audient for triggers??????????????? oh man, I would use the digimax for kick,snare and toms:D
I was using the Audient for something else, but now they're my worst pres (if that exists) so I use them for trigger signals.
I thought of selling it and keep the Presonus but the price dropped so much that I would lose a lot of money, so I'm keeping it :cool:
If you still have the Adam speakers near september / oktober... (which I doubt.. I might be interested)... life is allready expensive as it is with the changes I've gone through the last months (house, marriage.), so it would take some times to save up..