FS: Harley Benton 2x12 (Melbourne, Australia)


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Hey guys,

Up for sale is my Harley Benton 2x12 cab with V30s. It's in mint condition and the only reason it's being sold is because I don't have enough room to store it alongside my new Oversize.

Asking price is $500

Here are pics:



Pickup from the northern suburbs of Melbourne, if possible.

Emrz how do you reckon this cab will go with a Bugera 333XL? I hopefully have a 333XL lined up in the next few weeks and unfortunately don't quite have 2 grand to drop on a Mesa Boogie cab and need something fairly soon as I have intentions of starting a band up.
Drop me a PM, respond here doesn't matter which
Hey mate,

I think it should work fine. It was voiced fairly well with the 6260. In fact the Bugera sounded better through it than the Recto did (granted the Recto's tubes were on the way out).

I meant to do a comparison between both cabs today but we didn't have an amp available with which to do it.
aye ive got the same cab (now loaded with G12t75s from my 4x12) but they are great cabs!! infact some of my better quickmic'd guitar tones have been acheievd from it! and ive ran my current 6505, my old krank rev jr, peavey xxl, my marshall 8080 and me mates dsl100 and they all sounded really good, and outta them all the 6505 sounded the best, really complemented it!

so yeah harry, get it! :)
shhhh, you're making me want to keep it :lol:

Naw, seriously there's no space in here so it will most likely have to go. I really do want to get a chance to at least compare how a 6505 sounds through both in the same space.
The only thing putting me off buying this is that I REALLY want a 4x12.
The other side of the coin says I'm a really skinny dude with a small lacking of muscle build that wouldn't want to lug around a 4x12, plus the fact I could literally buy the cab off you next week, whereas I couldn't afford a 4x12 for another 6-8 weeks.
Plus the fact that if I'm gonna be learning to mic up an amp, it might be slightly more neighbor friendly (by a hair, but still:lol:) than a 4x12.
Make me want this Ermzy, since I figure a fairly local sale is much less of a headache than having to ship it somewhere
Trust me, you don't want to go through what I did shipping this thing in from Germany. Aus Post essentially 'lost' it for a month. Just as I got them to launch an investigation it magically showed up at my door the next day. Sigh.

It's in mint condition, and the speakers are pre-broken in. Bear in mind though I have *never* cranked this thing. Always played at conservative neighbourhood friendly volumes.
mate, ive carried my 50+kg cab up the stairs,in and out of me car, its easy enough!!!! even when i didnt weight train, but seriously these HB cabs are solid, sound killer, and like i did, i paid £140 back in the day, at the time the speakers totalled that value, so i basically got a free cab from thomann!!
Aside from the issue of having no way to come and pick it up (no car, no parents to drive me either:erk:), I have no problem with taking this off your hands if you want.
I've looked at prices for brand new cabs, there isn't anything good (2x12s) for under 900 bucks really, so this seems to be the ticket.
I'll factor in 20 or so extra dollars on top of the 500 bucks for you to bring it down here, if you want.
If only I knew yesterday, I could've just given the cab to Dan to drive over there with the 57!

Give me a few days to get a head in and compare the two side by side. I'll let you know if/when I'll be available to make the drive down. I still have to go up to Craigieburn and grab GH's amp.
Look forward to hearing the clips, as well as having a cab (finally :lol:)
Absolutely cannot wait to get a head as well and start mic'ing the Bugera and Benton up.
It'll be nice to start using a real amp and cab rather than resorting to amp sims all the time as I do currently
It's much better for sure. Way more educational and you get way better results if you get your head around how to do it properly.

@lolzgreg: 6505 of course! Can't say I'm the biggest Krank fan myself.