FS: Jackson USA Neck all maple!!


HCAF crusher
Jul 2, 2006
San Dimas era neck, original made in USA Jackson. frets are fine and should have plenty of years left on them, the neck is perfectly straight and not warped or anything.

is is a bit dirty though (non-laquer-maple-fretboard) -22frets
I think im going to have to switch to it... Latest ebay fee was £16 on a MIDI keyboard i sold for someone (drilled the price from £186 to £168). Their traffic isnt worth that much surely!!! :err:


I've put GearGoblin to the test as far as being usable to sell stuff - by selling a bunch of my stuff this year to do my studio revamp (which is still underway.) As the site's creator (and a total realist armed with plenty of cynicism-inducing experiences from the corporate dot com industry) I'm also its biggest critic/skeptic and I'm pleased to say (somewhat unexpectedly) that it's already replaced eBay for me in its first few months of existence, because I've sold everything I've posted, successfully, to cool people.

The more people we get on board using it, the more it will be true for everyone. I'm not really giving a shit about profiting from this, and I will never impose listing fees again (pointless) - I think if the site is free and kicks ass, I win, and everyone else wins too! :kickass:
Do you reckon you could turn into the business model of making money out of advertising solely? (or something along those lines?). Have you promoted outside the sneaps yet btw dude? Also I think paypal needs a competitor to kick its arse. Their cut is too big imo. As far as i am aware theres sod all out there. There is always e-gold lol!