FS: Mastering Services


Frozen Sun Audio
Nov 19, 2010
Hey guys, what's up. If anyone needs Mastering for their song/EP/LP, let me know what you need and I will get back to you with a price. I use a setup that includes HS80M monitors and I can reference your Master using many different stereo/headphone types for maximum translation.

Here is a sample of my most recent Master, which was a rush job I did for a friend of mine who needed a quick Master job so his band could sell the EP at Wacken open air festival at the beginning of the month. The entire Master took about 2-3 days from files received including back and forth file sharing with the band and reworking until everyone is happy.

In any case, feel free to send me PMs here or an email to my private account and I will respond back. For my email, click the link in my sig.

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