FS: Mixing and mastering (Tainted Studio)

There's now a booking calendar available on the website to show the available dates: http://www.tainted-studio.com/

btw, here is a free bump for you... By "Grey = booked!" do you mean that the one with white text and gray background is booked, or the one with gray text and black background is booked? :confused: Because the text below the calendar saying "Grey = booked!" is marked like the one that I suspect is free, unless you really are booked solid until December 2012. So maybe use like brown or yellow or something other that you already use the in the layout so that it's more clear. And wouldn't reverse indicator like "Grey = available" be better anyway? Just a friendly pointer :)
A friendly bump for you here too ;)
May I ask you where you got your desk? I'm just currently looking for one and yours is exactly what I want. Thanks in advance!
A friendly bump for you here too ;)
May I ask you where you got your desk? I'm just currently looking for one and yours is exactly what I want. Thanks in advance!

Cheers! I built it myself, here's the thread: http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/equipment/677214-built-myself-new-desk.html

I've also got a couple of desk designs uploaded if you need reference. Check this thread: http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/equipment/629562-studio-desk-plans-you-sketchup-content.html

and this post: http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/10117593-post58.html
A free bump for you man. You work well, man, and it's been a pleasant collaboration. I may need your services in the months to come. Maybe some reamp services, too.

Due to a very last minute cancellation, there's a slot available for next week, starting from Monday the 16th. If you need mixing or mastering quickly, this slot will be given away for a ridiculous discount price. First come, first served. If you're interested, get in touch via e-mail: jarkko@tainted-studio.com


EDIT: This one's filled, cheers!
Holy crap, Jarrko. Was just listening to your youtube clips. You've come a looong way since you first started posting things around here. Fantastic work! I'll keep you in mind if I hear of any work to possibly throw your way. ;)
Thanks man, means heaps! When I first started out, this forum was a big part of the whole learning process (that never ends :)), and some people really went out of their way by taking the time and effort to teach me some of the ins and outs of the business. That's why I'm always glad to cut a deal for fellow forumites :)