FS: PODxt bean


Senhor Testiculo
Sep 29, 2004
Los Angeles, CA
Just picked up an XT Pro, so I have no use for this.

Is in good condition, a scratch or two here or there, nothing huge or ugly though. I can take pictures if anyone really wants.

2 of the 4 screws that hold the back panel on are missing, but the two hold it on tightly and have for the past 3-4 years I've had this thing. I should also note that the DC input jack was replaced by me with OEM parts straight from Line6 - hasn't given me any issues since.

It comes with 2 power supplies, one with a spliced end on it (was a ghetto connector while I fixed the broken DC in jack), and one is just the normal OEM PODxt adapter, in perfect condition.

Only other thing "wrong" with it is that I lost the 'effects' knob a while back and replaced it with a Gibson speed knob. Looks a bit cheesy, but gets the job done.

Just the standard model packs, sorry - transferred the ones I have over to the Pro.

Not sure of the going rate on these things, but we'll start it at $150 OBO, shipped in the CONUS. Will ship international, you'll just have to pay for it.