FS/T: Engl Invader 150 (repair project)


Mikey B Nasty
Apr 15, 2008
New York
Ok guys, I submit. For almost a year I've been putting off investing in fixing my Engl Invader 150. I had it for about 4 months (bought of craigslist) before one day it just blew. Thread I made about the incident can be found here .

Since then it's just been sitting around, being useless. I also brought it to Andy Fuchs, and he was not familiar with Engls and wanted me to bring it to an authorized repair center. That entailed me shipping this beast to California without a definite cost or nature of repair.

So what I was told is that it is possibly the output transformer. There is also a blown power tube. To be honest, I'm not really sure what the hell is going on with this anymore. It was a severely unlucky incident and bad investment. I'm willing to cut my losses and put an end to the saga.

So, FWIW, is anybody here interested in a project amp? It was a monster when it was working, and very versatile. I have not the technical capabilities to diagnose or do anything with this amp anymore, but if anybody here does, I'm willing to be open minded about passing it along.

I'm not looking for an astronomical sum or a ridiculous trade, in fact, I don't know what it's worth in this state to be honest. If you're interested let me know. I'm located just north of New York City.

I'll post pictures if requested, just testing the water for now.
Davidson Electronics in Plainview, New York is probably one of the best repair centers in the nation and they are authorized to work on Engl products. I have brought every amp I've ever owned there if it needed work, and they did some work on one of my Engls that no tech in their right mind would ever tackle. Get the thing fixed and sell it. They go for good money used because they're awesome sounding amps.

Andy Fuchs is a talented guy, but he's experienced with more classic builds.
Actually, if there's anyone's recommendation I'd trust for amp techs, it'd be Greg's, so now I suggest listening to him haha (even if you will have to venture out onto that wretched hive of scum and villainy - Long Island :D)
Yeah I would try best you can to at least find out what's wrong. I took a risk on an amp like this and ended up with a $600 repair tag (if I had done it).

Which sucks, still sits in my basement not doing a fucking thing. :(

Good luck with this though. Selling/trading seems like a good idea at this point.
Actually, if there's anyone's recommendation I'd trust for amp techs, it'd be Greg's, so now I suggest listening to him haha (even if you will have to venture out onto that wretched hive of scum and villainy - Long Island :D)

Strong Island does lick a nut. The best thing about this place is Massapequa Park... imagine a friendly part of Long Island. Yes. That's it.
Thanks for all the replies guys. I've received a few private inquiries, so right now I'm leaning more towards letting it go, although it pains me to do so. The amp was beyond killer, and if I do replace it I can't even imagine what would be my next choice. To be fair and disclose my practice, I am pretty much taking bids (privately) on it, being that I haven't the foggiest in terms of its current worth (prospectively it can be the ultimate resurrection!) Location/shipping is taken into account. I would really rather not ship if I can help it, being this thing weighs as much as a person, but it can be arranged. Shoot me a PM if you're interested, may not be around too much longer!
Hey guys. Giving this thread another bump. I'm in the midst of a major buy/sell spree of gear, and I'm at the point where I'm ready to just let this bad boy go. It has just been sitting on top of my Mesa cab collecting dust, and I've finally come to terms with the fact that I'm probably not going to ever put the money into trying to resurrect it. I'm calling it an unfortunate buy, and ready to give someone else the chance to get this beat roaring again. Shoot me a PM if your interested, and I'll give you my email for more consistent contact. I'm willing to be extremely reasonable with offers for it, as long as you pick up the shipping. Also, keep an eye out for my other gear in the forum. Gonna put some feelers out.