FSOT: Mesa Boogie 2 Channel Dual Rectifier MINT CONDITION

sorry for posting this PostMortem1666 but...

dudes if im not mistaken (europeans) your forgetting voltage, htz and capable lead watts for a transformer

usa is 110v 60htz

europe is 220-240v 50htz

a step up transformer (step down htz to 50 cycles) for a mesa boogie which draws a lot of watts (electrical watts - not audio watts - big difference) is going to cost a few hundred bucks. you'll pick up a cheap transformer but the second you crank the amp power amp if the transformer cant deliver the electrical watts the amp is going to shut down on you (your going to need

check whether the head has a international voltage switch - otherwise that amp aint going to fire up - sorry to disappoint if that is the case

EDIT: after a quick check of the manual online i didn't see where it says how many electrical watts it draws (maybe its in there - i only done a brief look) for example a USA peavey 6505+ 110volts draws 400watts of electrical power - thus meaning your transformer needs to be able to produce that amount of juice minimum.

if you plan to take it into venue's (european legislation) without 3-phase power you "could" end up running into some problems with your transformer after the lighting rig, p.a, desks and all the other audio equipment is running. there is a minimum amount the electrical company will supply to a single line to a venue for safety reasons and there are still venue's that haven't upgraded there lines to 3-phase or more. it just might not fire up (or you could blow the crap out of it) so make sure you get a transformer above what it requires to ensure its capable of drawing power if there is a load on the electrical line

volt swapping is always a problem for international countries - there are some electrical organs for example which will just not tune properly to 440 if they dont have the correct voltage, watts and htz cycle so do some research

sorry again PostMortem

All know this:
For a dual you need a 5OOW transformer
For a triple a 700w
Of course for fuck safe;)
Ok? I am just trying to sell the amp guys. None of this transformer stuff matters to me, it should matter to whoever buys it.

yes i know that postmortem, apologies again - im simply informing any person in the 220-240v countries who plan on buying it that they have to fork out for a step up transformer.

i dont want to effect your potential customers but i wouldn't like to see someone splash out a lot of money and then realize its useless unless they invest in a transformer which can be quite expensive for a decent one
Damn dude. I wish I had $950, I'd be all over that. I'd be disheartened to have to sell my Bugera, not even comparable to a Dual. But I do know the money troubles. :waah:
378 views so far on ebay and still no bids! thats shitty dude! have you got a reserve on it?

Restart it at a 1 cent listing and run it for 10 days (no reserve) come the 9th day about 4 hours before the auction finishes remove it due to "a problem with the item" if you dont have a decent bid/s on it. if you dont remove it you'll have to sell it for example $1 but thats what i do to get interest going in my items - its worth a shot
Fu*k, if the customs on my country weren't so damn high I'll be all over this amp man. I'll investigate how much's the VAT on guitar amps... maybe I can make it happen :D
Fu*k, if the customs on my country weren't so damn high I'll be all over this amp man. I'll investigate how much's the VAT on guitar amps... maybe I can make it happen :D

you'll roughly have to pay 300€ for taxes and customs.
plus around 200$ for shipping.
the step down starts around 80€, at TAd it's 109.....
so you can add like another 550€ to that price
you'll roughly have to pay 300€ for taxes and customs.
plus around 200$ for shipping.
the step down starts around 80€, at TAd it's 109.....
so you can add like another 550€ to that price

But it's nothing in comparison of pleasure to have this best:D
Rectifier ftw
you'll roughly have to pay 300€ for taxes and customs.
plus around 200$ for shipping.
the step down starts around 80€, at TAd it's 109.....
so you can add like another 550€ to that price

Nope, Argentina. Shipping for that size and weight's gonna be around ~250$, then taxes and customs should add 500 usd aprox. Don't need a trafo, I already have a massive 220v-to-110v one. Fortunately the unit is used; they are less strict with second-hand stuff.
Sold for 900 something? that's not bad considering that I just saw a dual rec at a pawn shop sitting there waitin to be picked up for 750.

guy said he just couldn't move it... crazy huh?