FTFD Cover


Feb 16, 2010
Bronx, NY
Hey guys, here's my attempt at Strange Faces by FTFD.
Everything is performed and mixed by myself. Keep in mind, I'm not a vocalist in anyway. This is my first real attempt at singing haha.
Guitars are Podfarm, Bass is Studio Devil blended with a distorted signal.
Drums are S2.0 with samples on the kick and snare.
Vox were recorded with an SM57, and they are processed a good bit.
I also mastered it using the loudness maximizer in Ozone and Gclip. Tell me what you think. Thanks!

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2116746/SF Final.mp3
Not bad man!

The only problems were the kick and guitar. The kick sounds too programmed, and not punchy-ish. It sounds kinda like a tick-clack. Maybe layer it with a thud sounding kick.

The guitar tone kinda sounds a bit too digital on some points.

Other than that. I really like it. :)
I think this is very good job man!
And yes the kick was a little bit to ticky sound so make it just a little bit more punchy and rounded.
The guitar did i like very much, what are u using on the guitar more than Pod farm?

The song was very good done, could be funny sometimes with the vocal ;D

Peace! :)
I agree! I think it sounds fine, but I hate when people try to pick fights on a forum...
I agree. I left this forum for about a year until recently, because of shit like that. We're all here to help one another. Neither of those comments were polite or productive.

To the OP: +1 to the above suggestions on the kick. But, regardless, great job so far. :)
sounds pretty good but im not feelin the kick/snare. i like the lower vocals though. sounds like old BYD, which is my style. keep it up and nice job for your first attempt at vox \m/
not bad at all, the drums sound too "tiny" for my taste though, especially for music like this. Maybe play around with some reverbs or parallel compression?

sounds good though