For The Fallen Dreams Type Mix (Need opinions b4 vox go in)


Aug 26, 2009
Allo Allo,

Here is two mixes without vox yet.
They basically said make us sound like FTFD. Im pretty happy with whats happening in the mix right now. I think theres nice clarity and room for vox.
Having some probs with Bass and gluing it to the guitars.

real drums, Combination of drummers own sampled kit and my superior preset. thinking about opening up the compressor a little more on the snare, its not breathing...
Guitars are all Podfarm.
Bass is Podfarm.

Any in depth detailing, post processing just ask if your interested. please feel free to pick this apart. theres two mixes...enjoy:) The Brave 2nd JMC.mp3 The Brave JMC.mp3
oooh nice nice.

snare deff needs to be turned down, and like you said, it needs to breathe.

the rhythm guitars need more 350-700Hz. just a little too high end right now

and idk if this is just a preference thing, but are the rhythms panned 100-100 or 50-50?? i'd say 100-100 would be better if you really want to get the stereo width.

I wanted to turn the snare down myself but the drummer was so persistent on it being loud as fuck.
Ill definately turn it down a tad tho, is very prominent i agree.
Im gonna open up that compressor a little more too.

guitars are quad tracked

Mains 100% L R

Sub rhythms 80% L R

thanks for listening dude will definately play around with the 300-750hz range and see what i can come up with.
+1 on the snare... Also I would possibly pull down the attack in the kick a bit. It's kind of riding over everything

Edit: I actually don't like the snare, itself. It sounds more like someone's hitting a book with a drumstick than a snare.

Edit Edit: The guitars sound pretty gnarly! Diamondplate?
+1 on snare and sound of it,
everything else is perfect for me, would be nice to hear some vox, but that snare is ruining it for me
that's some sick tone you got here. i'm listening on cheap hifi headphones, the snare is just perfect here volumewise. i would love to hear some insights in your guitar processing!
Guitars are all Podfarm.
Bass is Podfarm.

Dude, thats a SWEET tone. I'm a PodFarm user myself but due to my n00b-ness i'm having a hard time getting good tones from it. Have you bought the metal shop addon? I haven't but im planning on getting it.

Any help on how to get a nice tone would be EXTREMELY APPRECIATED.

Good song aswell, like it alot.
Im gonna change the snare tonight. Before i Do does anyone have any suggestions regarding the snare problem, besides the compressor opening up a little more?

Im glad u dig the guitars

basically pod farm cali diamond plate with a tubescreamer in the front in pod farm, nothing else to it really. Im a revalver guy and id never used podfarm before so i used the sturgis preset as a starting point and went from there.
As i suspected the preset does nothing for me, my settings are drastically different to those in the patch, so dont bother getting it to be honest.

my chain goes podfarm>Eq>Guitar master Bus> another Eq> C4 Multiband

Eq is just a highpass and some small cuts at 4khz and a mid boost.
C4 was to just push the lows down.

Bass is 3 tracks of normal Bass, Mid Bass and Sub bass all filtered accordingly, then mixed together. Mid bass has some light sansamp for a bit of sparkle, sub and normal bass tracks have whatever the second amp head with the ampeg cab and 40% room with the u87 Mic.
(im at work right now so i cant remember the model exactly. From memory its the second one and its got light blue colours on it. haha sorry)
Guitars sound fantastic, really thick. Although quite narrow.. it sounds like there's one down the middle? Or maybe thats the bass tone. Anyway, its makin the mix a bit narrow.

Drums are really letting this down :/ waaaay too much compression.
Thanks Morgan.

Ive forgotten that we tracked an extra 2 guitars with different pickups, a completely different guitar. I think those are panned 80, should i make them 100?

Drums are now really bothering me, im going to get rid of his snare completely and start fresh.
Theres a shit ton of parallel compression running over the whole kit, ill be sure to ease it off.

Any opinions on the Kick, toms and cymbals?

once i back off compression i think they'll open up alot more..
I say Guitars sound to Loose in the bottom end.....but only at times i think its the bass seems to be booming in on the chugs

However i really like the kick and the way it sits in the mix man. But not digging that snare though as everyone else says, specially on the second mix you put up.
Whats this band called, i really like the sound of them as FTFD are my favourite band and the inspiration of my band