FTFD: Perceptions mix


intuit Studios
Apr 21, 2012
San Diego, CA

I put up a mix I had done of this song on YouTube a while ago. Just felt like doing it again and making it sound better. The guitars aren't necessarily supposed to emulate the tone used on Relentless, but it does have a tone similar just for the foundation, then EQ'd to my taste. Tell me what you think.
ALSO, bass guitar was recorded with my electric guitar so if you have a problem with the bass, just remember that side note :]

Sounds cool man, Drums sound tighter now than on your youtube video. Guitars have a nasty sound in the high end still. PM me the patch and EQ settings and ill take it further and match the tone alot closer.

Haha those drums were awful. That entire mix was so bland. I still don't have Trigger or anything. I just have the .wav files of SSD and put it into my drum software, but it doesn't change the velocities at all so I still get that robotic sound somewhat :/ Alright, when I get home, I'll send it your way.
great pal :kickass:
0:14 - 0:16 use sub drop ?
its too much . . . .
I dont know what it's called

cause I am just a listener :)

Sorry For My Bad English :cry: