Fuck Alochol Tolerance

yeah, it hits ya every so often. I usually have a mighty high tolerance even though I'm a runt; however there have been a couple of times where I swore off drinking the next day, never wanting to even look at the poison. Of course this would last all of three hours and I'd drink again anyway. :D Hope you feel better tho.

Unless you mean tolerance as you drink and drink and just can't get drunk...
I hate ppl who say my tolerance is higher than your balh blah
guess what
they are probably an alcohalic to so fuck em
I go through phases. I can drink a fair amount sometimes and get pretty wasted; sometimes I can plow through endless alcohol and still function; barely having a hangover the next day. It's like my tolerance changes monthly.

My big problem I found out is when I mix waaaay too many different kinds of alcohol. One night it was a mixture of mixed drinks(red deaths, vampires, drinks with a lot of ingredients of all types), Jagermeister(lots count of how many shots), whiskey and a bunch of hot wings. To top it all off, I had very little water that day on top of it. Needless to say that night I broke my record for never getting sick.(Still the only time tho.) I was collapsed on a street corner for awhile. Now, I will only mix certain things I know I can get away with (JD, Jager, and beer for example). Otherwise I try to stick to one thing.
Yeah, I once read about this guy, that had been caught by the police while driving drunk. He had blood alcohol level something like 7, but the man himself didn't feel drunk. He said "Well, I had been drinking 6 weeks straight, and after being a day without drinking, I thought I would be sober already"

13.4?? I don't believe that anyone could live through that. Sounds like it's an urban legend that got exagerrated over time or something...

The highest I've ever heard of (that someone lived through) was a little over 7. Most ppl die at 4 without medical attention.

You know what the top four countries are for alcoholics? Canada, US, UK, and New Zealand. New Zealand??? Heh. I was surprised Finland or Russia or something wasn't up there.

Most kids around where I live start drinking at 13 years old or so... it's pretty sad. I know some fucked up ppl and I bet the fact that they started drinking when they hit their teenage years has something to do with it.
i think i'll never be able to understand what's so amazing at being drunk, i personally don't care what people choose to do with themselves but honestly, can anyone explain what's the point?