fuck california gigs.. who's going to be in vancouver?


All Mighty Overlord.
Apr 27, 2003
Vancouver, BC Canada
yeah anyone? commodore is fucking awesome.. anyone going to seattle show should just come up here because this is the bst venue around and you will never ever the same sound quality at some hole down in seattle.

yay.. anyways.. who's going..?? been waiting for this show for fucking years!! BAHAHAHAHAHA
yeah no kidding.. ive had a boner for about 2 weeks straight now :( i fear it wont go away until opeth comes !!

Yeah that seattle show was awesome :) It was funny.. every now and then you'd hear COME TO VANCOUVER! "we always come to vancouver"
I live in Seattle, and I'm going to the Seattle show. Graceland is a great venue and I'm not draggin my ass up to VANCOUVER to see Opeth. K? Good. Fuck you.
Satim said:
I'll be there along with 5 buddies from Victoria/Vancouver. All of us BC people yelling "Come to Vancouver!!!" at the Seattle show last year must have paid off! I can't believe they are actually coming here! :rock:

I was at that show in April!
I thought it was great all the BC people were yelling as I was moving to BC in June.
Was the best sounding show the graceland had ever had. I've seen quite a few shows there. But I now live in Vancouver and can't wait to see them at the Commodore.
just because you cant make any friends and you need a small crowded concert hall isnt my fault..

Graceland is not that great sorry :/

Perhaps i will learn to love heat and smell and touching other sweaty men :/ fag.
jinks said:
just because you cant make any friends and you need a small crowded concert hall isnt my fault..

Graceland is not that great sorry :/

Perhaps i will learn to love heat and smell and touching other sweaty men :/ fag.
buddy have you not read ANY of my other posts?? i'm going to the show with 10 of my friends, wtf are you talkin about?