The worst part is the church protects these people. Something is very wrong here and people (believers) don't F'n get it or ignore it. Often throwing in a counter weight of sorts to justify it. Sic, sic fucks.
Something is very wrong here and people (believers) don't F'n get it or ignore it

Yeah, they don´t fucking get it. It´s deep down inside and supposedly not possible to heal...at least the people I serioulsy talked with about it. How can they still identify with that shit?!! I don´t get it and I´m just about to give up.
I live on a traditionally religious country...and I can say it doesn't even surprises me :ill:

My mom told me stories about neighbourhood priests that wanted kids to be "caressed" by them, if not, their families would be sued as communists ( we're talking about the 50's), I've been in a catholic college, I know how those religious guys roll, and I seriously hate them.

Faith? it's a good thing for those who believe in something, but the catholic church is a business...

And yes, the worst part of it is the highest bosses masking all the abuses made.
I were drunk as I opened the thread, but I don´t regret it (sorry for the ungraceful title though :lol:) It must be hard for you @sweetnothing, being in a catholic college! It´s good, you leave this behind. Nothing speaks against "faith" itself. It can help people!
I think about leaving the church (fuck yeah catholic) because that shit drives me insane, SocialNumb got the point exactly: The church protects the culprit instead of the victim.
As soon as a church becomes and institution...get out...
In my church there have been some horrific things the last few weeks...
I believe in a church to share the gospel and support eachother... which makes a church a good thing in my personal life..

I never got it why all these man, can't have a wife and can't have sex. That's un-natural!!!!!!!!!
yep, I named this in our beloved "are you religious thread"

what surprises me is that no christian or catholic condemned this or any of the facts that I talked about.