fuck i want this shirt so much

speaking of shirts, I've been meaning to purchase this...

I'm not really too much of a fan of Bounty Hunter Inc., but this one shirt they make is GENIUS:


Although I doubt that I'd ever wear such a shirt.
America can lick my balls, the land the fat chicks and psychotic little children, i want to see all of you yankees carbonized.

much love

I aint play this
Nietzsche misquoted again.


trendwhores love to misquote Neitzsche, don't they?

just like, you know, how when everyone quotes Marx for calling religion an opiate of the masses, they forget the rest of the paragraph coming before it where he praises its benefits.
I'm wearing a faggy t-shirt for a neofolk band with a barbwire heart as its central focus right now, AND I'm currently listening to dancepop.

I'm a homo.