Fuck Sean PEnn

And that's the whole problem with activist consumerism!


About the only thing I’ll consciously avoid most of the time is Wal-Mart, and that’s more for the fact that the place is usually a disorganized waste-land, full of fat people buying hostess products in bulk and employees who aren’t the least bit useful. Of course, now that Wal-Mart is going all high-end by offering organic food, I’m sure it will improve immensely. :rolleyes:
About the only thing I’ll consciously avoid most of the time is Wal-Mart, and that’s more for the fact that the place is usually a disorganized waste-land, full of fat people buying hostess products in bulk and employees who aren’t the least bit useful. Of course, now that Wal-Mart is going all high-end by offering organic food, I’m sure it will improve immensely. :rolleyes:

I have to agree. I don't avoid Wally World for political reasons. I avoid it because I don't think I have ever walked out of there without being aggravated. Whale-carts, public assistance recipients parking in the fire lane and handicapped spots, no carts that function and employees that have two brain cells that are kissing each other goodbye are just some of the reasons. It also doesn't help that the one closest to my house is really sketchy. If I have to go in there. I make sure I have a pistol on me.
In regards to them going organic, it frightens me. I look at their produce and it doesn't look edible now. I can't imagine what the produce will look like without the benefit of modern science.
In regards to them going organic, it frightens me. I look at their produce and it doesn't look edible now. I can't imagine what the produce will look like without the benefit of modern science.

Ha! Given how dirty the one by me is, I don't think I could get myself to buy produce from a Wal-Mart (organic or not) either.:Puke: :Puke:
Hollywood pseudocelebrity licking sack of a communist dictator? How come it doesn't surprise me. Go blow Fidel Castro, he's as good as dead.
Are you mad, Johnny?! According to Michael Moore (and "Die Another Day" it would seem), Cuba has the best health care system in the universe!

And Castro's doctor (who must therefore be the greatest care-giver in physical existence) said that Fidel is in such titanic physical condition, "he shall live for 140 years."

I don't know if that means, Castro shall live to be 140 and therefore he'll only be around until 2077, or Castro shall live another 140 years, and be the glorious leader of Cuba until 2147.

Are you mad, Johnny?! According to Michael Moore (and "Die Another Day" it would seem), Cuba has the best health care system in the universe!

And Castro's doctor (who must therefore be the greatest care-giver in physical existence) said that Fidel is in such titanic physical condition, "he shall live for 140 years."

I don't know if that means, Castro shall live to be 140 and therefore he'll only be around until 2077, or Castro shall live another 140 years, and be the glorious leader of Cuba until 2147.


Well the thing is you never know. As far as I know, the fucker is turning 81 tomorrow. Last year, the guys in Miami almost danced at his grave.