Fuck The Pick Fairy.


Apr 22, 2007
With diamond bladed dicks. Anally.

Seriously, dropping a gray pick from four feet above the ground shouldn't be grounds for the triangle shaped object in question to ricochet into another room.

I have searched my entire room for an upwards of an hour now for my beloved .83 Nylon Dunlop.

It no longer fucking exists.

Post your guitar related woes here.
I use the Dunlop Ultex picks and goddamn, the Pick Fairy jacks those all of the fucking time. Every time I venture to GC, I buy a new pack just because I know that I'm missing at least half of my picks. Even now when I barely play at all (both due to lack of time and lack of motivation) my picks come up missing.
I found the slut bag!!

I've really always wanted to try out a nice 3mm. Tried my friend's 2mm Greenback.

Felt kinda weird, but maybe takes some getting used to.


THAT DIRTY CUNT. It was laying just to my left, on a flat surface away from holes.

I used on use those 3 mm dunlops, those smooth ass translucent purple ones, <3 mane

atm I'm down to 1 of those, a 2mm, and this red pick I found at school that is seriously the thinnest pick ever like bends and stays kinda bent after you finish playing, add a bit of blues to the sound though those thick at dunlops make everything sound so smooth the twangy attack from this one is pretty refreshing change.

oh but I fucking hate the pick fairy, at least like... 5 bucks wasted over the years
Fuck, man, I have the opposite problem. I was married to a singer - a SINGER - for 13 years. I've moved house, cleaned, gone through, hashed out details and cleaned again. It's been 3 years I'm still finding goddamn picks! Your pick fairly, clearly, has a crappy sense of humor. :mad: