Fuck yeah 1:11 of 'The Art of Dying'


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Honestly, this is what metal is all about to me. Massively chugging syncopated playing, with ambient drone hanging in the back.

If I could share with you guys the glory of hearing this on Opals in a hugely treated room, I so would.

clickadeeclick, deeclickdeeclick, deeclick, deeclick something something somethin something DUDNUDNDUDNDUDDUNDUHN
The Link needs to be remastered.... cuz while it sounds good it doesnt sound like the last two.. and "Embrace the World" is fucking BALLS
That bits good, but it really kicks it up a notch at 1;55, when it goes to the crash or china and that weird plucking noise comes back in, holy shit. They manage to make one of those insane intros where it suddenly goes loud and heavy (without cheesy radio effects or vinyl too!).. and then make it even louder and heavier.

What is that plucking noise? I assumed palm mutes on an acoustic guitar or something tuned really low? It sounds wicked.
I thought you meant Death Angel, when I first saw this thread...

Having the newest Gojira as a reference production can make you a miserable person haha.
I think the Link is just terrible in general. Too much fannying around on drums for my liking.
all 3 albums are monumentally boring in their own way
the link's too fast
from mars to sirius is too fucking repetetive
the way of all flesh is too much of a perfect in between

i have to say though
the others are like 4/10 albums for me, totally controversial opinion i know, i never really found much to like in them, but the way of all flesh is a definate 7.
its moments such as the monolithic groove in the art of dying and that first riff in toxic garbage island that make it all worth it.