Fuck you anti-stem cell research people


Damn Christians!
Aug 15, 2006
Boyton, WPB, FL

Man appears free of HIV after stem cell transplant.

"A 42-year-old HIV patient with leukemia appears to have no detectable HIV in his blood and no symptoms after a stem cell transplant from a donor carrying a gene mutation that confers natural resistance to the virus that causes AIDS, according to a report published Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine."

more: http://www.cnn.com/2009/HEALTH/02/11/health.hiv.stemcell/index.html?eref=rss_latest

Edit: Happy birthday Darwin!
Yeah, i saw that a while ago.
I hate that so many people are against what might be the ultimate cure.
call me a fucking asshole douchebag if you will.... but i believe disease is mother natures cure for overpopulation. WE ARE THE DISEASE. people suck. but yeah, that is pretty amazing what stem cells can do.
Well with all our medical treatment and welfare though, evolution in humans has pretty much ground to a halt. Not like I would be heartless enough to say that's a bad thing, but it's pretty undeniable...
of course ive heard of evolution! i think its great. but when we try to play god and not let nature take its course...there will be great consequences. there is purpose on this great earth for every life form, microscopic and deadly, or not. death and partial eradication of a species is part of our history. the earth has a way of cleaning itself of parisites (us). just my point of view, among many peoples' others here. its great what we have learned with science and tech, but you got to draw the line somewhere. who knows what kind of effect these changes will be made. hell, just us taking antibiotics have weakened our natural ability to heal ourselves significantly. noit to mention the thousands of other things we have done to ourselves. when we cure a disease, another worse one just takes its place. flame on! lulz.
of course ive heard of evolution! i think its great. but when we try to play god and not let nature take its course...there will be great consequences. there is purpose on this great earth for every life form, microscopic and deadly, or not. death and partial eradication of a species is part of our history. the earth has a way of cleaning itself of parisites (us). just my point of view, among many peoples' others here. its great what we have learned with science and tech, but you got to draw the line somewhere. who knows what kind of effect these changes will be made. hell, just us taking antibiotics have weakened our natural ability to heal ourselves significantly. noit to mention the thousands of other things we have done to ourselves. when we cure a disease, another worse one just takes its place. flame on! lulz.

you sound like Agent Smith from the Matrix, no offense :D
hahahaha. agent smith.... but yeah, i have been a little.... cold lately. probably because i haven't smoked any weed this week. i do feel bad for all the sick kids, and people with debilitating conditions. we have to start thinking of us as a whole, how to stay healthy from the start, instead we wait until something horribly goes wrong and then try to fix it with pills later. death is a part of life. us people think we are just, so special. ya know what i mean? or you can just ignore my babble. im feeling a bit onry. my "band" is pissing me off... so im gunna go eat a baby or something. later!
Yes it has - it would only be evolution if he would survive and all/most of the non-12 digited people died; a mutation isn't evolution without selection.

Give the poor guy a chance, he's only a month old :p. He still has time to murder us all ;).

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