Fuck you daylight savings time.

Word. I have to be to work at 11. I wasn't gonna get much sleep before and now I lose a full hour. Damn you Mitch Daniels (Indiana switched to DST a couple years ago and that was a all our governors doing).
29th March for us :( But roll on summer! Ive had enough of shit weather already!

I agree, even me who live in the north coast of spain, it's been the worst winter ever, raining 7/7 days, floods, snow, winds, hailstorms, everyday on red alert.
Who said Spain was sunny? The North it is not.

I'm eager for spring and summer to come and see all those girls in their shorts and tight t-shirts, almost nude with nipples to the sky!

All I care about is the fact that the snow will be melting soon. I bought a house last year, and the first thing I noticed is snow removal takes up at least 10 hours a week...

gone are the days when someone calls me to tell me "hey, can you move your car... we need to plow"... NO! I wake up late for work, and my truck is buried under 3 feet of f!#$ing snow!!

Spring, and Warm Weather > Daylight Savings jet lag.

All I care about is the fact that the snow will be melting soon. I bought a house last year, and the first thing I noticed is snow removal takes up at least 10 hours a week...

gone are the days when someone calls me to tell me "hey, can you move your car... we need to plow"... NO! I wake up late for work, and my truck is buried under 3 feet of f!# snow!!

Spring, and Warm Weather > Daylight Savings jet lag.

Haha, yeah dude, that must be rough in New Hampshire!