FUCK yoU opeth

I'm also sure they had justification. I don't really see the point of this thread, it's immature and unnecessary. If you have a problem with the band's decision, try contacting them privately, instead of whining to everyone here.

Sorry, I can imagine you feel upset, but I'm sure you'll get to see them play sometime. Just be happy that you heard the band in the first place, whereas many unfortunate people have not. They're decent, honest guys, they don't toy with their fans, they surely have a reason for pulling out.

I'm hoping that this doesn't turn into another silly hostile thread...
Guardian of Darkness said:
I'm also sure they had justification. I don't really see the point of this thread, it's immature and unnecessary. If you have a problem with the band's decision, try contacting them privately, instead of whining to everyone here.
What he said...
Opeth doesn't decide where they play and don't play, the tour managers in conjunction with the venue guys do. A cancellation like that makes me think either the club guys didn't pull through on their end of things, or there's some random good reason that they have to skip it.
Hondo said:
Opeth doesn't decide where they play and don't play, the tour managers in conjunction with the venue guys do. A cancellation like that makes me think either the club guys didn't pull through on their end of things, or there's some random good reason that they have to skip it.

Exactly. Can you imagine the band sitting around a table saying -
'hey, lets cancel that show for absolutely no reason!'
"yeah, great idea!!"
its a funny old game eh? :err:
Yeah, dude, they are playing at Ziggy's in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, It can't be too far from Virginia. I'm planning to see that show and the one in Atlanta, Ga. Atlanta is a 4 hour drive, W-S about 2hrs. It sucks that they may not come to your town, but if you really like them, then you got to make the effort.
That sucks dude. I can just imagin if Opeth got pulled from the cities where these "dont bitch about it" people live. The board would be over run with whinning. So I say bitch away, its your right to let the band know how you feel and the forum is the easiest way to do that. SMELL IT!
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