fucked up shit has been happening way too much

Josh Seipp

Nov 19, 2003
Visit site
- break-ins at my apartment

- one of my best friends from college, his sister's sister-in-law (I know that sounds pretty far removed but his sister used to come up and visit a lot) was murdered by her ex-boyfriend last week.

- my coworker's sister-in-law died unexpectedly last night

- some junkie beat another junkie's head in in from of a bunch of kids in Hampden (Baltimore Neighborhood) last friday afternoon:

around 2:30 on friday in hampden in baltimore, two junkies were fighting
on the sidewalk, two doors down from Atomic Books in front of a Family
Learning Center (which has giant glass storefront style windows all across
the front), and all these kids were inside...the junkies are fighting and one
of em just starts beating the other's head in, I forget with what, but basically
bludgeoned the other to death, in front of all these kids.

- someone was shot in the head on my friend Matt's block in DC saturday night
and it will keep happening. the problem is when it starts to accumulate around certain locales or dates (possibly people, too), and then shifts to a different set of parameters that we can't quite predict. i don't believe in bad luck per se but i do think there are different types of storms going on that we can't see.

sorry that this is all effect you, josh. i'm sure these are the days that will make the other days seem a lot better. and i'm sure the stuff you've already been through puts some perspective on all of this.
yeah I just found out all this crap from reading my email that had accumulated over the weekend so I was a bit shocked

it's weird

anyway let's make a NICE thread
Dear Josh:

that kitten is so cute wtf?

also josh i have to take the fucking preds again and i feel like crap and it's only day 2 :(