Fucking Death Metal

Papa Josh

Minister of Propaganda
Can we have a damn discussion about death metal? Seeing that we've had an episode dedicated to it!

Name some favorites, groundbreaking cds, best years for the genre, etc.

Me personally, I think the early 90s were a fabulous time for death metal. Lots of innovation, there weren't a ton of bands or labels yet...

Ahh, the good ol days! :kickass:
also the new cannibal corpse album, i dont know really whether i should go and buy that, the stuff ive heard from it sounds like the tracks that were left out of gore obsessed and wretched spawn. cannibal corpse are one of my favourite bands, but i really don't think i can spend $28 on kill, id rather save it for the new deicide or the new lamb of god, or maybe i'll buy assassination. i dunno. any suggestions?
Demonic Nosehairs said:
also the new cannibal corpse album, i dont know really whether i should go and buy that, the stuff ive heard from it sounds like the tracks that were left out of gore obsessed and wretched spawn. cannibal corpse are one of my favourite bands, but i really don't think i can spend $28 on kill, id rather save it for the new deicide or the new lamb of god, or maybe i'll buy assassination. i dunno. any suggestions?

I would definitely pick up the Krisiun. As far as Kill, if you get it, look for the one with the dvd, I bought mine day of release and no dvd..... sucky suck, suck!
k. terror 2000. thats it, yeah they're definatly the next s.o.d. although i couple of there older albums werent that good, but there new one is good. yeah i think im gonna pick up the krisiun, have you guys played anything off that yet? i forget, if you havent you should for the sake of everyone else. get the one with the dvd you say. i shop at metal mayhem and sometimes they have special things like that, take for instance my copy of the new berzerker album, its double sided, one side is the album and the other is a "making of the album" dvd. im gonna have a look around metal mayhem on the weekend and see what i see. if theres kill with dvd ill take it, but if not ill take the krisiun, thanks for informing me that there is a special edition with a dvd.

hey i know gorgoroth are black metal but what the hell, i got this copy of "under the sign of hell", you know how its white, well mines all black and it came with this guitar pick, its got gorgoroth written in gold on one side and on the other its got infernus's signature in gold lettering, im not a huge fan of gorgoroth but i think thats really cool, more bands should put out albums and give away picks with it.
Just listened to episode 20, a couple of comments. Satyricon is actually the last track in the episode, at least in the version I downloaded. And Papa Josh, not trying to ignore your thread, just not a big death metal fan. Although I'm sure that some of the bands I listen to are death metal depending on who's defining it. Like that Absu band you were raving about, that song did absolutely nothing for me. But to each his own, that's what makes life cool.
metalheadinthe253 said:
Just listened to episode 20, a couple of comments. Satyricon is actually the last track in the episode, at least in the version I downloaded. And Papa Josh, not trying to ignore your thread, just not a big death metal fan. Although I'm sure that some of the bands I listen to are death metal depending on who's defining it. Like that Absu band you were raving about, that song did absolutely nothing for me. But to each his own, that's what makes life cool.

Yep, and we feel that's what makes our show cool, is the differing opinions. Evil C plays some stuff that I think is shit, and I play some stuff that he doesn't really care for. To be fair, that ABSU track isn't very representative of what people think about when thinking ABSU. The ABSU most are familiar with sounds a bit different than that track. That was just a rarity I wanted to play. You should check out some more of their stuff. Seriously. :kickass:
Papa Josh, for all the joy your podcast brings me, I will check out some more ABSU and let you know after I give them another chance. Seriously, the podcast has become one of the 2 or 3 that I look forward to every week. You guys do a great job and I've heard some great bands and bought some great CDs since I've been listening. Which I think was episode 5, before the metal injection days.
metalheadinthe253 said:
Papa Josh, for all the joy your podcast brings me, I will check out some more ABSU and let you know after I give them another chance. Seriously, the podcast has become one of the 2 or 3 that I look forward to every week. You guys do a great job and I've heard some great bands and bought some great CDs since I've been listening. Which I think was episode 5, before the metal injection days.

Well, I/we appreciate the kind words and the support. Means a lot. The Absu you really need to hear is the Tara cd. :kickass:
Well, as long as the rest of it is good then I can live with one song I don't like. It actually just literally showed up, the UPS man is working late tonight. I give it a listen and let you know what I think. In the same package I got a Tad Morose CD and a Ring of Fire CD, I would never have bought either of those if it wasn't for the show. And I bought them from The End Records, which I also didn't know about until the show. You guys should be getting a commission or sponsorship or some shit like that.:kickass:
Papa Josh, just wanted to let you know that I have listened to both discs of that ABSU set, and most of it is quite good. Thanks for once again bringing up another band for me to check out, and I will definitely pick up the Tara CD in the near future.
i saw cryptopsy on sunday. FUCK, those old guys can still put on a show. flo was absoloutly incredible, looked like he was about to have a stroke, and Lord Worm, glad to see him back there, cryptopsy just isnt the same without him.

also fuck...im dead supported, i dont expect any of you guys to know them since there a local band, but there always good fun, with their stage antics and the gore grind, some funny song titles, you guys should check em out, play them sometime just for fun, anal abbatoir is a good one.
Well iam no deathmetal fan.. too much of it really puts me to sleep. But with the right mood and the right band. Death metal obliterates.. It took me a lot of time to appreciate this genre since i am more into thrash metal. But anyway in my collection these are my faves: Death, Pestilence, Demolition Hammer (Is it Death?), Nocturnus, Napalm Death, Carcass(heartwork and so on), Morbid Angel (I only Got Formulas Fatal...)... umm Opeth (If its steel death metal in your book). Well i did like Cannibal Corpse, but never bought a record.. the gore thing is just too much. but hell their brutal and very tight.