Fucking Intense!!!


His Dudeness
Jan 8, 2002
finally saw Bodom in Worcester @ the Palladium last night :headbang: and holy mother of christ was it fuckin insane. I cant even remember the setlist because i was just so into everything that was goin on. i know they ended with silent night, and then downfall.....both of which were just fuckin sick. it was probably the best show ive ever been too, and when they come around again, im gonna make sure im right the fuck up front. definately worth the $24 just to see one band. i think i got some good pics of the band but ill have to wait and see once i get them developed. ROCKON MOTHERFUCKERS!!!
Damn motherfuckin right. Dude Alexi looked at me! Haha. That was such a bad ass concert. Everyone just fucking stormed the floor for Bodom it was insane. And than Neveremore was a good break haha and than the almighty Dimmu to finish out the show. I'll tell you one thing I was ready to just bring down every crowd surfer I saw, bastards wouldn't stop doing it, ruined my view.
What the fuck. I so wanted to be up front for that one. There was no way in hell little old me was getting anywhere up front. I would have died. So i just stayed by the bar and got drunk, and got to meet Janne. It was great. I dont remember much after Bodom. Oh well.
i saw them on the 11th of december. it was great. i was pissed at a couple things though: the club sucked ass, the guys who were there to exclusivley see DB and hated cob (you guys sucked!), and the fact that we travled 4 hours to see cob and they only got to play for 30min. dont get me wrong, it was the best 30 minutes ever, but i could even tell the crowd was all there for them! plus, i had been emailing henkka back and fourth, and he told me to meet him after the show! well ofcourse, i was with my boyfriend and some other friends, and we left befor ei got to meet him:( i was sad... because i was expecting a kiss from henkka, and i swear my bf just wanted to leave so i didnt get my kiss...dammit...haha! but besides all that, the show was awesome. it seemed surreal when i actually got to see them. this is the first band that i have felt so in love with in a long time, and it was so great to see them. cant wait to see them come through va again! hopefully VERY SOON!