Full album for free download!

Glenn Fricker

Very Metal &Very Bad News
Mar 6, 2005
22 Acacia Avenue
Hey all,

I've been working with this Italian band called, "Krieg" off an on for some time now...

They've decided to make their album freely available to anyone who's interested, and you can get it here:

I was the mix engineer, and James originally mastered.... I wound up remixing & remastering because I'm obsessive-compulsive about this stuff. Everything was initially tracked in Italy, and I'm not too sure who the engineer was.

Anyway, check it out... there's some nice, savage grooves on this. I particularly like "Dark Art" and "Second Line."

Here's a group pic:
Listenend the whole album yesterday night, not exactly my cup of tea musical but I found lot of great moment on various songs. That for my personnal musical taste.

For engeenering side: sound clear and pro (like always with you Glenn:D), execpt I feel that kick is a little bit too clicky for that style of band imho (but it's always my personnal taste, not a bad critic here)...

Btw your post lake some informations:lol:
I want hear more about your job here:
How long have you work for this project?
Reamping? How manage a worldwide project like this?
Speak a little about mixing...etc

Hope my post are understandable because english isn't my native language and it's really obvious when I'm tired like hell (like actually) so:notworthy
Where to start.... these guys called me up one day & asked if I was interested.

Well, yeah, I'll work with anyone once... I love working on the international projects... It's great to hear bands from all around the globe. We talked alot over Skype about what the band wanted out of the record.

Technical wise: I wasn't too fond of the drum recording, the natural toms sounded like ass. Bad tuning/mic technique & probably dead skins too. A lot of replacement/blending went on the drums. Getting the toms to trigger correctly became a real work of art. What a pain.

Guitar wise, yeah, it's a reamp. I think the rhythm player used a Jackson Rhoads V with 12 gauge strings.... he's got some really good technique & finding a tone wasn't very hard at all. I used my 5150/Engl cab combination.

I initally mixed this at the beginning of the year, and as I mentioned, James mastered.

However, after spending the late summer & autumn of 2009 working with Fredrik Nordstrom on the new Betrayer album (due out later this year) I felt this record would benefit from a re-visit.... ....I can get a bit obsessive about these things.

So, I pulled up the Multitracks & went at it, using the experience I had gained & it really took the record to a new place.

Thanks for the kind words!
Thanks for sharing all this Glenn;)
Re listening the whole album this morning and just put it on my reference cd folder...