Full Circle Into Insanity!

Quentin Tarantino was in a restaurant where he was eating some spicy food that ended up not agreeing with him too well. He had to go to the little boysroom so he can drop some kids off in the pool...realized he ran out of toilet paper and asked the guy in the next stall to hand him some which turned out to be none other than Kramer from Seinfeld.
persephone28 said:
No one said you can have 3...Hmmph.. figures you would change the rules bob :p
ok heres one for you then

persephone28---->Motely crue

*runs and hides*
NeedledWarheart said:

but it's true, isn't it? It just pisses me off seriously!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She should keep her fantasies about aleksi -dressed as a oversize bunny- fucking her or whatever she might think of..... :yuk:
bobvex said:
what. . the fuck is yrou new avatar

It's molded bread....
to be a bit exacter..... that was OUR bread we took to Wacken after 2 days in our sauna-like-car. So we didn't have anything to eat afterwards, but you should have seen the mold... this picture is NOTHING ... the real dimensions were frightening.... i mean, it was not white, it was RED!!!!!!!!!!! :ill: :yuk: But that's WACKEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!:rock: