Full Metal Diaper!

Have your kids ever been to any of your shows?
Are they aware of what kind of music you are into?

Never been to a show yet...probably when they get a few years older.

Yeah, they know I like metal. Actually, my boy likes metal a lot (no heavy vocals though...yet :p)...and without any push from me. His favorite band for a while was Twisted Sister..."We're not gonna take it!!" :lol: He's also a budding drummer (his first choice) & guitar player. :kickass: I'm sure I've had something to do with the latter. ;)
Yeah, they know I like metal. Actually, my boy likes metal a lot (no heavy vocals though...yet :p)...and without any push from me. His favorite band for a while was Twisted Sister..."We're not gonna take it!!" :lol: He's also a budding drummer (his first choice) & guitar player. :kickass: I'm sure I've had something to do with the latter. ;)

Nice! My daughter likes beating on the drum pad while I play bass.
She can look at a CD cover and know it is "metal" or "scary" :lol: