Full of hate Tour 2009

I got this Idea for the Hannover gig... they have a very cool upstairs area where you can headbang like hell and stuff...I might make a Banner with a text on it like:
"Bloodshed over Everything
7 Records - 7 Nights

I thought about that one beeing fuckin epic ^^

(Didnt find any other more related topic to post it)

Anyone who attended the concert in Bilbao or in Barcelona please tell us which was the setlist:)
Yes. That could be right.
I think we should meet and drink 8 Beers (me drink 8 beers, what you drink is your matter) and I'll explain it to you necro ^^
Nargh nargh, fuck off. Get your own ^^

edit: sorry. Maybe not fuck off. But get your own ticket and come with us on this fuckin' freakin' show!
I work as a journalist - so I have a press ticket here at my home. But there is no cd for the press people, that´s the reason why I like to trade the L.O.T.D. cd for some beers. And - yes, I will be there and party with you and drink a lot. Harharhar!
I work as a journalist - so I have a press ticket here at my home. But there is no cd for the press people, that´s the reason why I like to trade the L.O.T.D. cd for some beers. And - yes, I will be there and party with you and drink a lot. Harharhar!

Will you also be receiving a nice, laminated presscard? If yes, and you're not going to use it, please let me know :Saint:

(for my collection)
I work as a journalist - so I have a press ticket here at my home. But there is no cd for the press people, that´s the reason why I like to trade the L.O.T.D. cd for some beers. And - yes, I will be there and party with you and drink a lot. Harharhar!

Okay, you get one. But don't forget the beer ^^
I work as a journalist - so I have a press ticket here at my home. But there is no cd for the press people, that´s the reason why I like to trade the L.O.T.D. cd for some beers. And - yes, I will be there and party with you and drink a lot. Harharhar!

If you plan on trading Alex the CD for beer, better go to the show with a full wallet. ^^
Prolly cheaper to buy the CD. :lol: