Fun Maidens Interview, Worst Interviewer


Apr 14, 2008
I can't imagine what goes on in the heads of these interviewers.

You can tell this guy does not get laid EVER! At least nobody that you wouldn't need to put a shopping bag over her head.

"Oh my god! Pretty girls. I must ask sex questions! Girls = sex!" -
I guarantee he has wanked to this interview. 100% Certainty!

"Have you ever had sex with a black guy?"- Pathetic and racist at the same time.

"Would you guys be in a 3 some?" - Go toss off ya wanker! Who asks musicians this?

He has no idea how to film. Linda and Wanda are almost entirely ignored.

Best answer- Courtney's favorite non-metal guitarist is my all time favorite guitarist- Steve Howe of YES! Fuck yeah!

Muse is still good by the way! I loved The Resistance album! Based on Orwell's 1984. Worth a listen.

Most of the bands mentioned I have never heard of. Thank god I don't listen to the music this guy listens to.

Kirsten has 50 cats? Are you fucking serious? Where did you hire this guy?

I'm a bit of a player myself, and I'm definitely a perv, but to not be able to keep some composure while interviewing a talented band, I just think is pathetic! You can't just be a drooling rabid dog all the time.

Let me guess, San Diego local? "uh hu hu hu hu yeah surf and babes and Ocean Beach uh hu hu hu"

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I've seen this before, and was surprised at how moronic this interviewer was. But as the Maidens always seem to do, they handled themselves with class and dignity. At the Yoshi's show in S.F. a few months back, I mentioned this interview to one of the ladies (I forget who), and they remembered it as well.
Being an indie TV producer myself I can respect other people's interviewing methods. He was just trying to be funny but some of that stuff was just plain inappropriate. I know the ladies in the Maidens well enough on a personal level that I can get a way with saying certain things to them but I'd never ask crap like that in an interview. I also try to engage the entire band if I can.

So typical. A lot of music journalists don't interview many female acts and when they do,they always turn it towards sexual stuff. Being the girl band geek I am having read countless interviews with other female acts long before I was doing my TV show I learned want not to ask an all girl band. A lot of them get pissed off at the same perveretd questions and so much focus on their looks so I've always stayed away from that. Anyone watching can see they're attractive what I want o showcase is their talent.

For example I interviewed this all girl band from England called Fluffy, It wasn't a very exciting or interesting interview I thought but afterwards the girls in the band were all being extra nice to me and the next few times they came to town they were all thrilled to see me.

They split up but their singer Amanda joined this LA based all girl act called Harlow. You may remember them from the VH1 reality show "Bands on the Run" back in 2000. We did a feature on them and Amanda told me in that interview that her and the girls in Flufffy always had a lot of resepct for me because I was the only guy that ever interviewed them that kept it about music and not got all scandalous and perverted with them. That made me feel really good and proud and that I do my job right!

Coming soon you'll see my new interview with the Maidens from their recent visit to San Fran and it'll blow this segment away!! Stay tuned!
Honestly, I wasn't offended at all by his questions and was even somewhat entertained. I found it refreshing to be asked atypical questions, because we usually get asked the same questions over and over again in interviews. But then again I'm often a very inappropriate person, and I giggle uncontrollably at farts and poop jokes. It may be that I have the social acumen of a 10-year-old boy. :loco:
Well I guess being vegan you have to laugh at farts, right? haha

But whether or not anyone was offended, doesn't disguise the fact at what a tool the interviewer was and how ridiculous the questions were.
This guy is a total douchebag, no matter what you guys say. "Have you ever had sex with a black guy?" Only a complete dickhead would ask that question in an interview to musicians. You can tell he was getting off on these questions and it may have been his first time talking to girls. Well, at least talking to girls outside of the online chatroom.
This guy is a total douchebag, no matter what you guys say. "Have you ever had sex with a black guy?" Only a complete dickhead would ask that question in an interview to musicians. You can tell he was getting off on these questions and it may have been his first time talking to girls. Well, at least talking to girls outside of the online chatroom.

but when Howard Stern does it, it's cool?
Did I say Howard Stern was cool? Let's face it, people that went out to buy Satellite Radio just to listen to Howard Stern have something wrong with them. They must be the same people that think Family Guy is funny.

So what you are saying is there are really only 2 type of questions to ask The Maidens.

"How has Iron Maiden influenced you?"

"Have you ever had sex with a black guy?"

There is no in between. Either boring questions or sex questions?

My point is not that the questions are offensive, but I simply wanted to rip on the guy. The guy sounded like a drooling perv that could have never seen The Maidens before to conduct that interview. He simply goes over a band list and then gets a woody off asking sex questions because outside of this interview, he has no opportunities to talk to woman. It's just so obvious.

Look, let me give you examples of appropriate questions to ask the band:

Courtney- "Does the carpet match the drapes?
Linda- "Does that Japanese booty work in your favor?"
"Who is the biggest Hesher? RJ or Danny?"
Wanda- "Have ticket sales gone down since you got hitched?"
Kirsten- "Was that haircut your choice alone or a band decision?"
Nita- "Uh, er, where do you go half the time?"

Any self respecting interviewer would obviously ask questions like these.