Fun Show @ The Normandie Casino!

Air Raid Siren

Maidens' Vox
Apr 26, 2004
My City Of Angels
Wow, we had a great time at the Normandie Casino - thanks to everybody who came out in full Maiden madness! :rock:

What a great room, the sound and light crew were excellent :worship: and the whole vibe was really cool. It was nice to see familiar faces out there, too. I know it's home stomping grounds for the rest of the girls, but there are so many of ya I hadn't actually met. It was cool to meet a few more folks from the BBs.

And cheers to Empyre, Tribute to Queensryche. They sounded great!
:) Yes! A HUGE thanks to everyone for making it another fun night last night! The place was packed to capacity so our apologies go to those who were turned away at the door. :erk: There are just soooo many Maiden fans!!!!! :rock: Fear not, we will be at Paladino's and San Marcos this coming Fri and Sat night with a new tune or two added to the list, so maybe we can make it up to ya then! Thanks again! :grin:
Doodoobubbachuck said:
:) Yes! A HUGE thanks to everyone for making it another fun night last night! The place was packed to capacity so our apologies go to those who were turned away at the door. :erk: There are just soooo many Maiden fans!!!!! :rock: Fear not, we will be at Paladino's and San Marcos this coming Fri and Sat night with a new tune or two added to the list, so maybe we can make it up to ya then! Thanks again! :grin:
A new tune or two - sounds interesting!!! :rock:
PhoenixRenegade said:
Hey people! Just wanted to stop by and say that the show at the Normandie was completely awesome, and I'm crossing my fingers that you'll be coming back soon!

~Vivienne (I guess I should mention that I'm part of the stage/tech crew at the Casino, neh?) :)
Hey Viv, Welcome to the boards!! :grin:
We can't wait to come back! :rock: