Funeral Inception - Anthems Of Disenchantment


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Funeral Inception - Anthems Of Disenchantment
Warpath Records – WR009 – 2002
By Russell Garwood

Funeral Inception’s music comprises blasting drums, guttural growls, fast as hell guitars and frenzied bass – yes, in case you hadn’t guessed it here we have a writhing slab of brutal death metal. Unfortunately "Anthems Of Disenchantment" doesn’t go much beyond this. Guitars provide occasional more melodic sections, but generally focus on pummeling you into submission. The bass employs a similar tactic, while grating guttural growling is as unforgiving and relentless as the music. The drums have imperfections but are, on the whole, competently performed, making for an extreme, but at times monotonous, release.

Featuring titles like "Unrecognizable Mutilations", "Bathing Your Soul With Gore Tears" and "Violence Speaks Louder Than Words", originality is not forthcoming. I’m sure "Anthems Of Disenchantment" will strike a chord with many brutal death fans; if you like US style ultra-heavy battery this would fit right in with your CD collection! If you’re after something whose main focus is not brutality, however, it is perhaps one to avoid, but still an interesting addition to the Indonesian metal scene.