Funniest Movie Trailer


The Darkitecht
Jun 3, 2007
Daytona, Florida
This is the funniest movie trailer I've seen in my entire life. You gotta watch it to the very end though.

Roger and I watched that stupid shark laugh thing a couple nights ago.

We didn't laugh.

Until the fourth pass, where he laughs a little higher.

Then we couldn't stop friggin laughing! It was so silly, so stupid, but once he starts guffawing louder, it just cracked us.

We will go see this. Definitely. Same guys who produced Grandma's Boy, so it WILL be hilarious.
I'm an idiot and started another thread for this without seeing the movie title here.. I know... I know...

But I can't WAIT for this movie - and the shark laughing... 'Holy - his teeth are... ' and the laughing started.. and I cried... and I've watched the trailer 4 times... :D

But I loved the "I got these tattoos on my eyes so it would look like I was awake".... And the 'uh are you wearing a thong?'

This movie is going to RULE... :kickass: