Funny Accents


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
New Jersey / New York: Anytime I mention "Royal Carnage" to a local, they think I'm saying "World Carnage". Heh, that's how they say 'world'...'woyald'. Heheheh, New Joisey.

Indian Accents: The absolute funniest. See: Apu on the Simpsons, or any NY cab driver: Everything is so exaggerated and rushed, tenses jumbled up, with all 'w's replaced with 'v's and vice versa, then ending in some native tongue diatribe...."vhat vhat! vhere you go? You vant to be going to the willage? hurry up, get in, juldi judli! ramadamdingdong!".

I once told Chief B that Ebonics was an official US language and he believed me. :D

Yes, today spells boredom. Who shall joineth me in this thread? :loco:
haha! I love funny accents!

When I go to south virginia (to somes areas, not all) I don't know if those hicks even speak english....

There is this dinner there that makes killer hot dogs and westerns, when ever I go tere, I order at the bar: two hot dogs, basket a fries, and a diet coke, and the lady screams to the chef: "I nee tew hah da, fraaaais, and daaeet cok"
and I'm like: "did I order that?"

anyhoo... I have a funny accent as well its not heavy at all, very mild, ... was born in canada, lived in Isreal almost all my live, lived in Holland, and now I'm here in the states... I have a little bit of every country... people say they love my accent though... so its all good.
I am Romanian .. and most NY'ers tell me I have a Brooklyn accent (yes, there is such a thing)
I purposely butcher any Spanish words I use to piss off Mexicans.

JayKeeley said:
I once told Chief B that Ebonics was an official US language and he believed me. :D
You know that's not far from truth? People like Maya Angelou and Jessie Jackson push for this to become a recognized language.

African American Vernacular English

South African accents are funny to me, it's like a cross between Boston and English accents. God damn slave drivers. :loco:
"I am an accounting professor! Why do you think I have this outraaaaaygeous accent?" I must have had at least half a dozen professors who made sitting through their lectures straight faced harder than any of their assignments due to funny accents.

Come down here to Texas, and you will here accents that you will definitely not understand. I never thought I had a Texas accent until I went to NY/NJ...Soda Pop? What the hell is that??

And what is the deal with fast food joints in Jersey not having mustard. We LIVE on mustard down here...

Evil C.
You might be amused by the accents of the locals round here...but the novel.ty wearts off after 14 years :loco:

"eeeere buays, where them gofficks to?!"
No mustard? That's gay. Although mustard packets usually leave a lot to be desired concerning taste and quantity.
= :kickass:
no ... I speak fluent Hungarian, actually better than Romanian ... and also ... was around a lot of Brazilians all my life. They are totally different languages.

BTW: Hungarian is one of the very languages in the world that really is not rooted in another language. I always get good laughs when they hear me speak it. Sounds really twisted
Are we talking American yellow baby poop mustard not being like proper mustard? That's what most mustard is like out here and it fucking blows. I like the kind with lots of grainy shits in it, like the Gulden's I listed. Deli type mustard. Harder to find, but not impossible.

Read my review for Ektomorf (they're Hungarian) to see why I asked about Hungarian v. Brazilian accents. :loco:
Hungarian bands pretty much all suck. There is a legendary one, KALAPACS (Hammer) which has been around forever. They play the typical Manowar, Iron Maiden, Dio type of metal ...

There is a band SEAR BLISS, that Red Stream has been pushing alot that is Hungarian ... they got some rave reviews here and there. Never heard them though.

Hungary's biggest export is pussy ... I am not even joking. This was even in the local NY Hungarian paper. There are more Hungarian porn stars than anyother. Strip joints in NYC are filled with them too.