Funny Accents

Bring your money .. and make sure your London ticket is purchased. Hungarian girls are hot.

Although from personal experience

Brazilian > Czech > Hungarian

Romanian chicks ... they don't even make my list. They are all skanks.
I'm not going to London, just NY. Can't afford it right now, oh well.

I've always kinda had a thing for Romanian chicks...
Actually I don't think..... no wait, I've met one and she was HOT. Maybe I just had a thing for that one Romanian chick. :loco:
i rate'em as I bang'em ... so far nobody has topped this one Brazilian chick i went out with once ... I mean this one has raised the bar really freaking high ... she was like Nadia Comaneci. :worship:
You know that Brazilian chicks are hot just by watching 5 minutes of a world cup soccer game when Brazil play. Wait for the cameras to fall on the crowds, and look for the streams of really hot looking chicks in the stands. It's pretty amazing. Or just look at the quality of birds on Rio beach.

Truth be known, the best looking girls in the world are probably in Australia. Everyone lives on the beach pretty much, everyone looks healthy, and Bondai Beach in Sydney might as well be a supermodel catwalk.

I've never gone for the East European look myself, you know the hunched Bosnian looking lady, scarf wrapped around her head, and selling old breadsticks on the cobbled street corner. :loco:
Have a bro dating an Aussie right now, she's hot as hell but he is SO FUCKING PUSSY WHIPPED it's god damn shameful.

Personal favorite is Filipino right now, but I'm biased since I'm all in love with one and shit. Only probably 10% of those sluts are hot but GOD DAMN if the 9/10 and higher aren't fuckin' ace. Case in point, her sister who isn't nearly as hot as her still resides in that 10% and is therefore NAILS. :heh:

EDIT: Err, I wasn't referring to my pseudo-chick as a slut.... :loco:
NAD said:
Personal favorite is Filipino right now, but I'm biased since I'm all in love with one and shit. Only probably 10% of those sluts are hot but GOD DAMN if the 9/10 and higher aren't fuckin' ace. Case in point, her sister who isn't nearly as hot as her still resides in that 10% and is therefore NAILS. :heh:
I'm good friends with a Filipino chick and she's a hot mamacita. She's got the fake tits, she little bitty, and scrumptious looking legs.