Funny black metal fans

"It is talk about religion, and we praise the evil and we believe blindly in a godly creature just like a christian."

"I know how little is the value of that which has a price."

"Normal people should fear black metal."

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I don’t get it. :confused: Why are these guys posting at the Sonata Arctica site?

Originally posted by phyre

Metal is not about fun.

WTF?!! If metal isn't fun, it's therefore NOT FUN! Why would anyone listen to or be invloved with something 'not fun'?

Or I am just missing a joke here or something?
Actually i don't think he was being sarcastic :) He believes that Metal is a tool to fuel his obsession with killing stuff... now i feel all dirty for trying to think like them..
:lol: :lol: :lol:

"It is better to sit at home and cut yourself than to go out and have fun. If you go out to have fun in the name of power metal, prepare to have face mutilated by broken glass."

"Metal is supposed to be dark and grim, played by brutal people who worship death and are able to kill another human being. Power "metal" is about worshipping life, respecting others and having fun."

"The only thing I'm sorry for is that he survived. This will happen again. The black metal scene is not going to let the power metal trend continue like it has."

I just replied to the post, those guys are such dingbats lol. Since when is all metal about evil and brutality and only by people who have the ability to kill? Haha! Maybe the true black metal is, but that makes up like 1% of all the metal out there.

:rolleyes: Morons...
Ah, all so childish isn't it?

Even more amusing that we get heaps of death/black metallers at our shows and by and large they're all really cool people...

I already posted my disgust at what happened to Joacim on the Sinergy board - I really don't like Hammerfall but no cunt deserves that! :mad:
Lutz is one of the guys who contributes to Librarius Metallicus with me. In his bio on that site, he says: "Born in Skellefteå (Sweden) 17 years ago. Began to listen to metal (and music) when I was 15. I'm into most kinds of metal genres (and a very few non metal bands..) but my fav ones are: Black Metal, Death Metal, POWER METAL and Progressive Metal. I also hope this site will make more people discover more great metal bands."

I'm not sure exactly what he's arguing about.
Have this guys ran out of churches to burn down or something and they just feel like they gotta take their frustrations of having a small penis out on power metal.I love Black Metal but ever since I read Lords Of Chaos and now I hear this morrons I simply wonder why??????The funny thing its that must of this guys are all mouth and no action I know that for a fact,heck I remenber the time a GIRL made the lead singer from Mayhem(Maniac or what ever his stupid black metal name is)shut the hell up and walk away in shame in front of a crowd at the Milwaukee Metal Fest a couple of years back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, they do. My ex-girlfriend became brainwashed by all these Burzum fans and turned into a psycho. Within 2 weeks she'd might as well have shaved her head, she became a nazi, worshipped nordic gods, went on and on and on about knives and forests and how cool Varg is for killing the Mayhem dude, blah blah blah... we broke up coz of it. Coz I didn't wanna date a nazi and she wasn't "allowed" to date someone who didn't believe in norse gods or the norse gods wouldn't accept her.

Sounds stupid? It sure is, but its true. These people are nuts!
I'm going to see Mayhem and Dark Funeral,. Only so i can tell my kids in years to come. "Your daddy jeered mayhem and it was fun"

Oh and am going to wear my mates Burzum shirt to the Mayhem gig as well, stupid fags.

It's generally only black metallers that suck dick, Death metal fans are just ussually the piss heads who write themselves off at gigs.
Im going to Mayhem as well...I was thinking of wearing my 100% pure aussie power metal Dungeon shirt! hehe

I dont really know any black metal fans up here that are dicks like that. Sure they might jest but they are nice fellas really.