Funny black metal fans

Isnt Mayhem the band that killed everyone in Norway? ( think the story may be getting exaggerated now though ;) )
Originally posted by Goreripper
and then the bass player killed the guitarist and is now in prison until 2020 or something! Heh.

Yeah, but the guitarist was probably showing off all the time, you know what they are like ;)
Its funny cause the singers name was Dead haha...he shot himself. THe drummer and guitarist came home found the body took photos of it for an album cover (what a picture that is!), then the drummer made a necklace from the singers skull shards and the guitarist ate some of the dead singers brain (apparently) hehe. Then later that fella from burzum Varg (bass man) stabbed the guitarist about 20 times or something and got charged for murder like trent said.

HAHA very nice indeed what a bunch of fools. The only original member left in the band (thats alive or not in jail) is the drummer I think.

The only original member is actually the bass player. Somebody made this mistake on another board and some Mayhem freak bawled them out. Dumb bastard hadn't posted in months, then comes back to rip into someone for a stupid mistake like that.
Originally posted by Blitzkrieg
I know a few black/death metal fans who are fucked in the head. Nothing like the cocks in that thread, but they are all sucked in by it and think they are all superior to everyone else, and all other forms of metal. Stupid tossers...

It's interesting actually because black metal is really the antithesis of the metal ideal, which is why it's called "black metal". It's really anti-metal, when you get right down to it. The original guitarist from Mayhem formed the band as a reaction to what was happening in metal at the time. Black metal has unfortunately become a haven for outcasts and social rejects, not to mention really bad bands, which is a shame because a lot of it is actually quite technical and very interesting.
Originally posted by Icarus
Its funny cause the singers name was Dead haha...he shot himself. THe drummer and guitarist came home found the body took photos of it for an album cover (what a picture that is!), then the drummer made a necklace from the singers skull shards and the guitarist ate some of the dead singers brain (apparently) hehe. Then later that fella from burzum Varg (bass man) stabbed the guitarist about 20 times or something and got charged for murder like trent said.

HAHA very nice indeed what a bunch of fools. The only original member left in the band (thats alive or not in jail) is the drummer I think.




I think the important question here is, does it really taste like chicken?

Oh im sorry, that was tasteless.... (Look! Two jokes for the price of one!)
Originally posted by Icarus
Then later that fella from burzum Varg (bass man) stabbed the guitarist about 20 times or something and got charged for murder like trent said.


Yeah... and he apparently said in court that it was an accident and pleaded not guilty. You don't accidentally stab somebody 10 times :lol:
I'm friends with the ex-bassist of black/thrash metal band Abominator, and he's a great guy, and apparently he's been getting a bit of a hard time at black metal gigs lately because he's dating a girl who's mum is Jewish. All his old friends have turned on him just for that, losers...
and you really safe to go see them live ???
i mean , i wouldn't go near the backstage area lol .....
i don't know about you people , but i'll have a GPS attatched to me at all times lol .... you'll eather find me in full , or make sure you collect me bit by bit lol .....

Let's have everyone taged and microchiped before hand ok lol ..

and about that comment about guitarists ... well .... i'll make sure they have ya untaged nor microchiped mate lol ....... :lol:
Originally posted by The Trooper

Yeah... and he apparently said in court that it was an accident and pleaded not guilty. You don't accidentally stab somebody 10 times :lol:

No he said he did it in self defence because he thought the victim was going to get HIM. So he 'self-defensively' stabbed him 23 times.
I think it's worth mentioning at this point that I first read about Mayhem in the pages of Hustler :lol:. It was an article by the same bloke who wrote Lords of Chaos, and was very interesting in a morbidly curious kind of way.

The whole point of metal music, whatever your chosen genre, is escapist fantasy. These guys take it all waaaayyy too seriously IMHO, and are in dire need of some therapy. Mind you, so am I, since I just admitted to reading the articles in a porn magazine!