Funny Metal

No but amusing cd would be Punky Brewster by Devin Townsend.
Now thats some funny stuff.
Seth Putnam reviewing the movie "You Got Served":

you got served - movie, starring jackee, the most un-black black girl ever, tons of blacks, a couple wiggers

one of the greatest movies ever. it's like an even stupider "breakin' two, electric boogaloo". i bought the dvd the day it came out it's so great. i finally got to see it when i was visiting some friends down in texas last march. i laughed my ass off during the whole movie. if you think the whole "hip-hop culture" is fucking hilarious, i HIGHLY recommend this movie. me and my friend were laughing so hard at (by the way, we were the only 2 whites there) the dumb ebonic lines they were saying, and other dumb black stuff, and the blacks were looking at us like they couldn't understand what we were laughing about. i guess for once, a couple whites were loud and obnoxious at a black movie, instead tons of big-mouthed my pals babbling through a movie i'd want to see. i even got the people in the theater to start a "served" chant at the end. i haven't had that much fun at a movie probably ever. after watching the movie on dvd somewhat sober (i was totally wasted at the theater), i said to myself, "there's no way a black person wrote this movie". then, at the end, they showed the director (who also wrote this masterpiece). at first glance he looked white, but upon further inspection, he looked like he's probably jewish. either way, a leroy didn't write the movie. i can't say enough good things about this movie. i don't want to spoil the plot for you, so, get all fucked up and get this movie, NOW!