funny moments of the fest....


Sep 30, 2005
1. Jason trying so hard to be down with the black waiter in Reggies to the point it was painful to even watch.

2. Jason sending his food back twice because there were mess ups.

3. Watching Mendoza body slam Dan from Gatekrashor on the ground and then start hitting him because he was getting pissed about getting shot with nerf guns.

4. Watching joeys backpack get larger each night with band shirts.

5. Seeing Mendoza get ambushed in he hotel walking out of the elevator and getting shot in the face with nerf guns.

6. Seeing Dan frmo Gatekrashor get on stage during Omen

7. Watching Dave during certain bands sets. He looked to be in pain. But I was truly happy he came both nights.
Logon from Demon Bitch pooring an entire pitcher of ice water on himself during their set.
HAH! Shawn and I were up front (as per usual) and he got it all over our jackets and records and shit, we must have looked like total douches moving our shit to the other side of the floor

"That was a water song. Sometimes I get so EXCIIIIIITED! I just can't help myself"
Jeff Black, our resident Canadian, asking me if it is odd that everywhere in Chicago whenever he ordered a burger, he was asked if he wanted Mac N Cheese with it. For the record, I had never heard of this either, but still funny.......

Hanging with JP from Borrowed Time on Friday night by the merch tables and this group of Latinas come in to which he said, almost TOO loud, "Mexican Witches"!!!!

Rick from Ancient Dreams coming into the Music Joint going, "Hey guys, did you hear Jeff Hanneman died"???

Odin and Mendoza (literally) in tears watching Ashbury. Granted, it was a truly amazing performance, but seeing two guys who are always so "on" being metal being brought to tears by musical greatness!
Gatekrashor were fucking wasted on Thursday night (as per usual) and on the way back to the hotel, Shawn ran into a tree and got flowers in his hair. when he got to the hotel lobby he threw them on the ground. The big black dude working the lobby inquires:

Lobby Staff: You gonna pick that up?

Shawn: FUCK NO

Mendoza (I think?): Sorry, sorry *Picks up flowers and throws them in the trash*

Shawn: FUCK THAT my pals

Gatekrashor guys fucking ran for it

At least, this is how the story was told to me
also....I am in a band. We are Ancient Dreams. We are opening Helloween.

When was the last time I even mentioned that we (Ancient Dreams BTW, in case you didn't know. I am the bassist, and overall business manager of the band), are opening for HELLOWEEN (discounted advance pre-sale tickets available from the band soon)
What are you (I am in a band) even (we have shirts for $15PPD) talking (don't forget to check out our demo on bandcamp about? Its (we also have a gig coming up supporting Leatherwolf on Friday June 14 @ Penny Road Pub) as if you think I am always (hey, did you hear we just played Ragnarokkr? Videos up on YouTube now!) promoting my band (who will be opening for HELLOWEEN on Monday September 30 @ MoJoes)!!