Funny song indexing on CD's


New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage
I have a rather old CD player (late 80's/early 90's) that does something quite interesting on at least two CD's I own -- Opeth "Still Life" and In the Woods... "Omnio". The LED window has, beside the normal track number indicator, a number to the left which says "INDEX" and is almost always 0. On these two albums, however, it actually changes with the song. See pics of "The Moor" playing:


Intro, guitars fade in, "index" is 1


Acoustic guitars begin, "index" switches to 2


When distorted guitars come in "index" switches to 3.

"299 796 Km/s" from Omnio works in a similar way. This indexing system probably exists in the CD specification as a way to index long pieces of music, but as no newer CD players I have ever seen has this feature, it probably never caught on. The question is why such new CD's as "Still Life" and "Omnio" would be encoded in this way then... Oddities.
I think it's for classical music.. you know how songs are divided into different.. segments. I don't know what they're called but you know what I mean.. right?
Like 'stycken' in Swedish.. I think.

Why Opeth would choose to divide The Moor into different segments is beyond me.


You know how Bajsed Earth - Dante's inferno is divided into four(?) parts? It's the same with that one.
My crappy DVD/CD player has that indexing thingy, and it's fairly new. You rarely see those anymore though, and I don't think I've ever seen a CD that changes the index. I'll toss on Still Life tonight. I'm sure you've heard about the recording oddities of that CD though, yes? Maybe that's all part of the mystery... spooooookyyy.... :lol:

JayKeeley said:
*mind drifts to wondering if NAD has managed to resurrect his dead poodle yet*
I'd like to thank you for getting me to laugh over such a serious issue. That and all the bourbon last night make me feel better. :tickled:

She was half coyote and half German Shephard, as best we could tell, by the way. :)
Everlost said:
I think it's for classical music.. you know how songs are divided into different.. segments. I don't know what they're called but you know what I mean.. right?
Like 'stycken' in Swedish.. I think.
Yeah. "Movements" would be the correct term in English I believe. That's what I thought as well, but I suppose non-classical bands with long songs (such as... Hmm... Opeth?) could make use of the feature as well.
NAD said:
I'm sure you've heard about the recording oddities of that CD though, yes?
Nay. Educate me?
Well, there's "the cough," although I never remember where it is, I think I may have heard it once. It's a sort of cough/sigh/something in the background somewhere toward the middle of the album, that allegedly the band says they never could have recorded. That ties into the apparently haunted studio where they recorded it and some weird instances happened, typical haunted house type stuff I guess. Apparently there was a write-up of the whole event somewhere in the Opeth forum, but because so many people asked about it at different times, and NOBODY would help out the newbies, there are 1000+ threads on it with no answer. Perhaps it's all made up. :)

Also some recording oddities like how one of the guitars drops out of the mix off and on throughout the Moor (or was it Godhead's Lament?). Not that big of a deal, but still interesting and sort of adds to the mysticism of the "haunted" recording. Then the ending of Serenity Painted Death is strange, the way it cuts off suddenly. Mikael has repeatedly said that's how he wanted it, but some fanboys still freak out over it.

There is some other stuff too, can't recall off the top of my head. Maybe you can search the Opeth forum for more info, although I wouldn't recommend it. :D
My dad's old music centre does that with Achilles, Agony & Ecsctasy by ManOwaR :) and nothing else to my knowledge. That one makes good sense...
GAHH... resurfacing from searching the accursed Opeth forum...

Alleged quote from Mikael:
"There was one day when me and Peter worked for almost 24 hrs, and we ended up getting so fucking tired we hallucinated. It started with me hearing a cough while I was in the vocal booth. I looked out but saw I asked Peter: "Man, did you cough?", "No, why". I was terrified thinking that someone was there with us. Me and Peter went out probing the area after suspicuos things. And mind you, the new Fredman studio is pretty big with several different rooms, and if that is not enough, it´s located in an industrial area where no-one usually comes around in the middle of the night.

Anyways, we didn´t find anything, but the rest of that day we were certainly affected by everything as there was indeed some kind of spooky felling in the air. Sure enough it was just our tired brains that played us a trick. And the cough I mentioned had somehow been recorded on the tape. We still don´t know who it is, and it´s still there on the album in the 1st track. "
Saw some mention about this being explained on the forum, I've never heard of that site before.
10:09 on the Moor, and I guess another one on Serenity Painted Death at... 1:34 I think. I've only heard the Moor one.
Aren't the Opeth boys big weed smokers? I read that somewhere official (like their forum). But smoking does play tricks on the mind, especially if you've been up 24 hours straight.

By the way, does anyone here believe in ghosts?
JayKeeley said:
By the way, does anyone here believe in ghosts?
Absofreakinlutely. I'll doubt the existence of God until my dying day, but not ghosts. If they aren't real, who cares, they're fuckin' cool! :cool: