funny story...more celeb sightings


Feb 7, 2002
DC area
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Yesterday at work before we opened our doors, some dude came early and was knocking. I happened to be up there at the host stand and I was thinking to myself "what's this guy's problem coming in all early". Opened the door and he said "thank you, I know we a little early". I recognized the voice and as soon as he peeled off his knitted cap, POOF!! The hair. It was none other than Don King.

I already bragged about how I meet Dubya earlier this week. Yesterday I waited on gov Rick Perry from Texas, gov Mark Warner from Virginia(he was with Kimsey, the founder of aol), Patti Labelle, and Sheppard Smith (anchor on fox news). All in different tables of course. It's been a crazy week at work. Arnold from CA came in to but I didn't take care of his table. I did however drop a salad in front of him. He's pretty fucking big.

I made about a g yesterday at work too. Repubs dropping loot on wine and tipping big.
Oh, I forgot to say. I've been working from 8 or 9 am to 1am every day....16 hour shifts...3 days in a row. Moving tables from in an out of the cold to accomodate all these motherfuckers. As a result, I caught a nasty cold and I hope I passed it on to these fucks.