funny ways for a band or band members to meet???

Night Reaper

ooo the reaper wants more
Oct 6, 2006
New Brunswick, Canada
the drummer would steal a guitarist car and the guitarist had his cd in his car and he would have a demo of him playing so the drummer would hear it and wont to form a band with him
the drummer would steal a guitarist car and the guitarist had his cd in his car and he would have a demo of him playing so the drummer would hear it and wont to form a band with him

I don't understand...

(but I guess it's my fault... my comprehension reaches a certain point, then... who knows what there's to know?! bah.. people, don't listen to what I say)
I'll explain:

He wants us to imagine a way that a band could be formed, or to describe a way a band was formed.
+ONE, I was gonna correct this yesterday but I was too lazy!

Anyways, an example would be:

"One way a vocalist, a guitarist and drummer could meet would be they're all at a bar together, the vocalist and drummer have been talking together for a few mins and then some asshole comes up to the and starts shit. The drummer tries to be laid back, but the vocalist flips out and starts screaming like a maniac, totally freaking the shit out of everyone and bitches out the guy hard. Then the asshole's friend shoves the vocalist, and the drummer flies out of his seat and starts throwing punches at a doublebass speed and totally dummies both guys. As both the assholes lay on the ground in a heap of limbs, the guitarist dials 911 on his phone at an amazing speed. They both witness his quick fingerwork and they all get smashed together and start a band the next day."

See :erk: Something like that but in less words and more funny :p :lol:
A guy went home earlier and found his wife fucking with another man. Then he start shouting and going hysteric like hell and then saw in the living room that the other dude had bring his guitar, partition and a sheet with love lyrics about his wife on it and then said: "Hey, lets start a band right now!"
A guy went home earlier and found his wife fucking with another man. Then he start shouting and going hysteric like hell and then saw in the living room that the other dude had bring his guitar, partition and a sheet with love lyrics about his wife on it and then said: "Hey, lets start a band right now!"

lmao :lol: